69.2 F
September 27, 2024

Vineyard of Faith church congregation still challenged by search for new, local venue

Studies show that Americans relocate an average of 11 times during their lifetimes.

Community Corner

Ongoing through May 31 – Healdsburg Literary Guild call for submissions for 2015 Anthology. Poetry or prose may be sent to [email protected]. Website is www.hbglitguild.org.

Summer’s songs

What day is it? Well, if it’s summertime it must be live music day.

Too much self-censorship

It’s not just newspapers or internet giants like Twitter or Facebook; we are all in the communications business. We’re not the talking naked apes we once were. Now we are a species with interconnected tongues and brains, linked by clouds of computers and thinking machines. The same primate thumbs that enabled us to become toolmakers have now become our primary language devices. No thumbs means no phone, no communication.

Decoding Teenagers

I remember when I first became a mother. The year was 2002 and it was truly life changing. Then it happened again in 2003, and again in 2007, and for the last time, in 2015. I am the proud parent of four wonderful children, two of them are teenagers. I often remember my parents saying throughout the years, “Just wait Elizabeth, just wait until they are teenagers.” Well, incredibly, that time has come. I find myself now in a very exciting, very scary, very important time with my two older children. There will be no other time in their lives or mine, when they will experience such rapid growth and maturity.

Decoding Teenagers: Holiday Time

It’s the holidays. I can feel the anticipation as Christmas break draws near, two glorious weeks off school for my teenagers. But I also feel the two stress balls festering as their workload doubles in the next few weeks as classes wrap up for the new year. So, what kind of holiday season will it be? “Bah-humbug or “let’s be merry and bright.”

Someday We’ll Laugh About This, Right? Crafternoon

Last weekend a very good friend celebrated a milestone birthday, which she wanted to commemorate by having a “crafternoon” at her family’s cabin. Melissa gathered years’ worth of craft materials – pounds of buttons, miles of fabric, bags of saved mint tins, boxes of old maps, mod podge, glue guns, scissors, scrapping paper, paint, etc., etc., etc. – and several years’ worth of friends, and we crafted our hearts out.

Snapshot: Spring Is Sprung

Healdsburg’s fields and gardens are filled with flowers that a snapshot can’t display.. As if on cue, sunshine and flowers broke out for spring’s March 15th debut. Cherry blossoms, fields of daffodils (Narcissus) and yards with calla lilies (Zantedeschia aethiopica).

Having Horse Sense in Healdsburg

It was racing day in Kentucky this past weekend. These horses were not there. I see these two most every day. They are good buddies, usually grazing side by side. It was unusual to see them lying down.  Pastured horses don’t lie down much because...

Country Roads: Market memories

Happy birthday, Healdsburg Farmers’ Market. Though 40 years old today, it required a year or two of planning and work from a set of folks, some of whom are still selling produce.