71.8 F
September 27, 2024

Liking the Look of Lace Lichen

Last week’s column mistakenly identified California Spanish moss as Spanish moss. Oops—apologies.  What commonly hangs from trees in Sonoma is lace lichen (Ramalina menziesii), officially designated the state lichen by Gov. Jerry Brown in 2016. Lace lichen, also called fishnet lichen, is mistaken for Spanish...

Snapshot: Only the Finest for Healdsburg

Think that Veuve Clicquot is co-branding port-a-potties? Who in the world thinks up a promotion scheme like that? Seriously, what is the messaging? A prankster relabeled a porta-potty on Healdsburg streets.

Christmas Lights in the Sky

The picture above is a full arcing rainbow, portrayed in last week’s Photo of the Week dropping behind vineyards and trees, as if painted by John Constable. Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, who claimed to be the light. He asked that people “love...

Summer Programs for All Ages

Library entrance
Our community’s slow-but-sure recovery during the pandemic has been fascinating to witness in the library. At the start of the pandemic, our in-person numbers cratered while use of eBooks and eAudiobooks skyrocketed. During the last three years, those in-person numbers have risen month by month....

Flashbacks from Healdsburg, Feb. 22

As of 75 years ago, after raising over 25 percent of the $20,000 goal for ball park lights, the drive of the Healdsburg Community Recreation Lighting Committee was well under way.

Snapshot: Rolling Down the River

Russian River water temperatures are about 70 degrees Fahrenheit now, much cooler than recent air temperatures trending above 100 degrees.

Italy’s Famous Christmas Cake

Panettone is another one of Italy’s culinary gifts to the world. It’s a brioche-like cake filled with raisins and candied fruits, traditionally enjoyed over the Christmas holiday.  Italy reportedly produces 117 million panettone each year, about 10% for export. Italian production since 2005 is regulated...

The Librarian Returns

Spring greetings from the staff at the Healdsburg Regional Library.  We have been overjoyed to see the growing number of visitors to the library over the past year—our current numbers are inching closer to those we used to see pre-pandemic. As always, we’re here to...

Never Forget the Elephants

This is a picture of an elephant walking along my windowsill.  Even though this elephant is stationary and made of clay, it reminds me of elephants grazing in Thailand. The soft light created by a dusty screen produces a haze similar to the jungle-like mist...

Flooded Waterways, Snow Covered Highways

Rainstorms in Sonoma usually mean snowstorms in Tahoe. As of Jan. 10, snowpack in the Sierra is 214% of normal, according to the California Department of Water Resources. Ski resorts around Tahoe are heavenly this year—double pun intended.  Whiteout conditions. Avalanche control in passes and...