(Photo: Joe Kopczynski)

Some pretty crazy stuff has been happening in the air over Healdsburg lately. Joe Kopczynski took the pic above just after 6am last Friday morning as he was heading toward Healdsburg from Geyserville, where he lives. It appears to show the rocket that Elon Musk’s SpaceX company reportedly launched that morning from Vandenberg Air Force Base way down in Santa Barbara County. A bunch of other locals spotted it, too, and have been posting about it in the “What’s Happening Healdsburg” Facebook group.

There was also some hubbub on Reddit recently about a different, unidentified “huge bright light” that someone spotted while driving north on the 101 a couple of months ago. And someone else posted a video in “What’s Happening Healdsburg” this past Sunday of another weird light they saw from Fitch Mountain. Then there are the ongoing complaints about constant drones buzzing over Parkland Farms. Never a dull moment, eh?

Onto a more natural phenomenon. Dry Creek Valley resident Angie Mandujano shared some spectacular video footage showing a series of bird murmurations over her house last weekend. I’ve never seen sky ballet quite this epic!

(Image: Angie Mandujano)

Lastly, here are some good-old-fashioned sunset and sunrise pics that local photographer Tenay took from Fitch Mountain, also last weekend. Another friend of mine likes to call these “heaven clouds.” Amen!

(Photos: Tenay Creative)
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Simone Wilson was born and raised in Healdsburg, CA, where she was the editor of the Healdsburg High School Hound's Bark. She has since worked as a local journalist for publications in San Diego, Los Angeles, New York City and the Middle East. Simone is now a senior product manager and staff writer for the Healdsburg Tribune.


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