Charles Noland has enjoyed a lengthy stage career, including work at The Oregon Shakespeare Festival, A Contemporary Theatre in Seattle, Fort Worth Shakespeare, and several small companies in Los Angeles. Living with his family in Burbank, Charles is also a professional film/TV actor, appearing in more than 100 films and TV episodes, including “Blow,” “Wayne’s World,” “Old School” and regular roles on “The West Wing” and “ER.” He is currently in Sonoma County to play in “Terra Nova” at the Cloverdale Performing Arts Theatre.
What got you interested in acting?
When did you start?
I was going to Cabrillo JC in Santa Cruz, circa 1976, where I saw this really bizarre experimental performance piece. I said to myself, “That looks fun.” I also noticed there were a lot of hot girls in the theatre department.
Do people recognize you from West Wing, ER,
China Beach or your movie roles?
Yes, that happens. I’m shy about it but it’s nice to hear. I think it has something to do with my odd-looking face. I refer to myself as The Hatchet Faced Man.
What do you like about coming up here to act
at the Cloverdale Performing Arts Theatre?
What role are you playing in Terra Nova?
I’m playing Amundsen, who is the leader of Team Norway in the race to the pole with Scott and his fellow Englishman. I love Cloverdale. People are so kind and supportive. It’s one of the best 99-seat theatres I’ve worked in.
What’s the funniest thing that has ever
happened on a TV or movie set?
I was doing my first scene with Johnny Depp in the film Blow. I was nervous and wanted to get it right but suddenly tennis balls started rolling out of the camera area and going under my feet. It turned out to be a first day hazing ritual that happened to everyone. I got a big round of applause for not breaking character.
Is there a role out there you haven’t done
but would love to do?
I’ve always wanted to play Matthew Brady in Inherit the Wind. The Bible and Darwin’s The Origin of the Species – I think there’s room for both of those books in the world.
Who are your acting idols/ inspirations?
Meryl Streep is a national treasure. She’s done it all and is still doing it.
Do you have any advice for up
and coming actors?
If you go to LA you’ll find out if ‘You Really Want It.’ It’s a very competitive and difficult business. Also, make sure your car has good air conditioning.
“Terra Nova” plays Oct. 18-27; Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Cloverdale Performing Arts Center, 209 N. Cloverdale Blvd. Tickets: For more
information, call 707-894-2214.

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