Subdivision map, fire fuel management and a public art project on agenda
The Aug. 5 meeting of the Windsor Town Council will see a return to a more socially-distanced meeting as cases in the county have spiked. The agenda is fairly short, but has a few meaty items.
There will be a public hearing to consider a request from the developer of the Overlook subdivision to change the conditions of approval and approve by resolution the final map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement. (However, staff has recommended this item be continued to the Sept. 16, 2020 meeting.)
They will also, as part of this item, consider a request from the developer to remove the requirement to underground overhead utilities on Windsor Road and to change the requirement for a letter of credit for modifications to the Windsor Golf Course to a bond and adopt a resolution by the Windsor Water District Board accepting certain offers of dedication subject to improvement for the Overlook subdivision.
On the regular calendar, the council will be presented with the Riparian Corridor Fuel Management Plan and Implementation Strategies, which were developed in response to the 2019 Kincade Fire. The plan is meant to set priorities for riparian corridor fuel reduction, and to provide decisionmakers and the public with a plan for managing fire hazards in riparian corridors in Windsor.
The plan is a blueprint for riparian fuel management on town-owned lands and outlines a methodology for prioritizing fuel reduction activities and identifies fuel treatment strategies, timing and approval process.
Also, in the regular calendar, the council will be asked to approve a new Utility Box Painting Public Art Program, which is being brought forward by Public Art Advisory Commission
The boxes in question exist at every intersection which has a traffic signal. There are 24 traffic signals, however six of those are maintained by Caltrans. The recommendation is to focus the program on the 18 town-maintained traffic signals, with consideration for the Caltrans boxes in future years.
The program would paint an average of five boxes per year, with it taking four to five years to complete all the boxes in town, and then the program would start all over again. Artist selection would be a competitive process with artists or art teams submitting their qualifications and art design to be juried by the commission or established subcommittee. There would be an emphasis on local artist and art teams, however it would be open countywide.
Other similar programs throughout California pay an average of $750 to $1,000 per box. The current balance of the Public Art Fund is $143,790, and the estimated one-year cost of this program is $7,000 which could depend on the number of boxes selected and artist stipends.
If approved by council, the commission would begin work on finalizing the program and application process with the intention of starting the program in 2021.
In response to the recent resurgence of coronavirus cases in the county and continuing concerns of the Governor of California and the County Public Health Officer about potential community spread of the virus resulting from prolonged indoor gatherings, the town has suspended conducting in-person town council meetings in order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Town Councilmembers will be participating in the meeting via
Zoom Webinar.
Public comment can be submitted via email to the council by 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting to [email protected]. 
Members of the public can participate in the meeting by visiting: or by dialing 877-853-5247 and
Enter Webinar ID: 925 4261 4957
The meeting will be live streamed at: 
The meeting can also be viewed on Comcast Channel 27
and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. 
The full agenda can be viewed at

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