In Sonoma County, the second-leading cause of death among girls age 15-19 is suicide. The third-leading cause of death in that age group is homicide. These sobering figures come from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Teen dating violence plays a role in these deaths. 1.5 million teens in the U.S. are victims of physical, emotional, sexual and verbal abuse at the hands of a dating partner. In the Bay Area, about one out of every three teens experience this abuse. The rate of dating violence far exceeds any other type of violence experienced by youth.
To bring awareness to this issue and help teenagers develop healthy relationships, February has been designated Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month nationwide. Health departments across California and the nation are addressing teen dating violence as a public health issue, since abuse in a relationship increases the risk of injury, mental health issues, drug and alcohol abuse, tobacco use, disordered and unhealthy eating, and high risk behaviors such as unprotected sex.
The Teen Health Center operated by Alliance Medical Center is working on this issue every day. The safe space of the Teen Health Center provides an opportunity for young people to talk about their relationships during clinical visits. The staff is trained to ask the right questions and provide the right support, referrals and protection services if necessary. Teens, like adults, are much more likely to confide in a medical provider if they are experiencing abuse. The Teen Health Center is a youth-friendly, safe and welcoming environment that encourages trust and support.
The Teen Health Center is also the home of Alliance’s Education Department, which provides health education in Windsor, Healdsburg, Geyserville, and Cloverdale public schools about healthy relationships, communication, recognizing signs of abuse and preventing abuse. The Education Department trains young adults as peer educators to deliver this curricula.
Alliance’s Teen Health Center provides a unique resource in combating teen dating violence. It is the only site of its kind in Northern Sonoma County, established and designed just for young people. The Teen Health Center helps youth develop a strong and lasting relationship with a health care provider that can set a tone for health for the rest of their lives.
Alexandra Kelner runs the Health Education Department at Alliance Medical Center.

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