Healdsburg offers an exceptional quality of life that my family and I have truly appreciated for 27 years. We have been very active in the community and have worked to help preserve Healdsburg’s character and values. Healdsburg is a community of volunteers and we all find the best way to contribute. I have been able to give back through serving on the council and believe that I have made a positive impact over the years. I look forward to serving for four more years.
My wife and I raised our three children here and I enjoyed coaching youth athletics for twelve years. I served as Healdsburg soccer board president when we had over 800 players. I served on the Healdsburg City Council from 1992 – 1996 and am currently serving again with a year as mayor during each term. Even though these are difficult times, it is a pleasure sitting on the city council given the level of citizen participation and the collaborative manner in which issues are resolved.
The dismal economy and the state’s financial issues have made the last four years extremely difficult. I have been willing to make tough decisions and have provided disciplined and thoughtful leadership. I am not afraid to ask tough questions and yet am always willing to listen to diverse points of view. I value a clear, open, and transparent process for decision making. Ultimately, what is in the best interests of Healdsburg drives my decisions.
Besides serving on the city council, I sit on the Sonoma County Transportation Authority, Sonoma County Health Action Committee and was chairman of the Central Healdsburg Avenue Special Study Area Committee which was formed to provide a community accepted framework as to how that area will be developed. My goal is to be productive and get things done. I do not compromise my principles but believe that working cooperatively and with respect produces the best results for all concerned.
We continue to face a tough economy. There is no single solution or easy way out. We have made thoughtful cuts over the last three years and will continue to look for opportunities to cut costs and leverage resources. Pension costs are unsustainable. Finally, we must increase revenue. The city can encourage economic development by providing excellent service and necessary infrastructure.
I have been very vocal regarding pension reform and progress has been made. We have one of the most stringent second tiers in the county which is already taking effect with new hires. However more needs to be done and I will continue to push this issue if reelected. We have work to do locally but also must work with other cities to hold CalPers accountable both to improve performance on their investments as well as the service they provide.
As adamant as I have been regarding pensions, it is just as important to recognize the dedication and hard work of our city employees. We Healdsburg citizens expect a high level of service and our staff continues to do just that even as we have cut back staff over the last three years. Just over the last two weekends, staff has supported the Healthy Healdsburg Wellness Fair, Foss Creek cleanup and hosted an educational open house at the fire station, all in addition to their normal duties. It is essential to understand that the pension issue is a systemic problem. Our employees are clearly affected but they continue to do an excellent job even as they are caught in a difficult situation.
I have put in a great deal of time, thought and effort over the last four years as a council member just like so many Healdsburg residents have devoted their resources and energy to keep Healdsburg an exceptional community. In Healdsburg, we treat each other with respect and look for solutions where we all come out ahead. This is why I am looking forward to serving on the council for another four years even with the difficult issues in front of us. I ask for your support and will work diligently and thoughtfully on your behalf.
Tom Chambers is a Healdsburg resident and is running for a seat on the Healdsburg City Council. Election Day is Tuesday,   Nov. 6.