Monday, Oct. 23
1:18pm A hit-and-run accident occurred at CVS Pharmacy on Center Street. The reporting party (RP) indicated her vehicle was hit and the suspect was trying to leave. Officers responded and arrested a 48-year-old (YO) woman for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Tuesday, Oct. 24
4:58am Trespassing occurred at Victory Apartments on East Street. The reporting party indicated a woman who was not supposed to be on the property was in the laundry room, screaming. Officers contacted the woman and cited her for violation of probation and trespassing.
8:51am A woman was hunched over the steering wheel of her vehicle at the bus stop near Russian River Covered RV Storage on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded, but medical treatment was declined. A 22-YO woman was cited for possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.
2:04pm The RP indicated that over the preceding weekend someone accessed a mobile mini steel container off Tucker Street and cut and stole copper wire worth approximately $1,000. An officer responded and took a report.
2:21pm Police cited a 26-YO woman at the river frontage north of the railroad bridge on Healdsburg Avenue on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding the possession of drug paraphernalia, public intoxication and disturbing the peace.
3:48pm A violation of a court order occurred at Plank Coffee on Dry Creek Road. The RP indicated he was being followed by a van with a camera, and a detective took a report. Names and confidential info redacted.
10:36pm Two callers reported battery at Victory Apartments on East Street. They said a woman was throwing rocks and banging on the neighbor’s door during a verbal altercation in which the female appeared to be the main aggressor. Officers responded and cited a 46-YO woman for assault and battery, and trespassing.
Wednesday, Oct. 25
8:00am Petty theft occurred on Lincoln Street. The RP indicated she left her vehicle unlocked on Oct. 23, and her purse was stolen. The next day someone used her credit card to buy $70 of gas at Rotten Robbie’s. An officer responded and took a report.
7:53pm A woman was reported as having been at The Wurst on Matheson Street since noon, and the RP was concerned the woman would sleep on the patio. The RP told the woman she could not spend all day on the property. No drugs, alcohol or weapons were seen. An officer later located the woman near Safeway. The RP was sent a trespass notice form via email.
10:12pm Trespassing occurred at the Healdsburg Bar & Grill. The RP stated a transient woman with bright-red hair was on the patio and was seen drinking two bottles of wine and urinating in a corner. The RP was concerned she would try to sleep there. The RP told the woman, who was making statements regarding zombies and satellites, that she needed to leave the property. Officers responded and arrested a 50-YO woman for trespassing, shopping cart theft, public nuisance and public intoxication. The woman was taken to county jail.
Thursday, Oct. 26
10:42am Petty theft occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. A man drank a canned cocktail in the store valued at $5.44, the store wanted to press charges, saying they had surveillance and a license plate. An officer responded and took a report. Later a 50-YO man was cited for shoplifting.
3:27pm Another petty theft was reported at Big John’s Market. The RP confronted the subject and asked for a receipt. Officers responded, but the subject was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
4:03pm Trespassing occurred on East Street. The RP indicated an unwanted woman was in the laundry area. No drugs or alcohol were seen. Officers responded, and the woman left the property on her own after she was admonished to not return.
Friday, Oct. 27
2:32pm The RP stated that cars were sporadically racing on Parkland Farms Boulevard at Latigo Lane, and it seemed to be happening more frequently, occurring in the evening and nighttime hours. The RP stated it last occurred on Oct. 26 around 9pm. Patrols were advised.
6:18pm A violation of a court order occurred on Fieldcrest Drive. The RP asked questions about an active temporary restraining order. An officer responded and took a report.
8:36pm Reckless driving occurred at Recreation Park on Piper Street. The RP indicated a vehicle was running stop signs and speeding through the area. Officers responded. The vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
11:30pm An officer stopped a vehicle at Carl’s Jr. on Vine Street for altered license plates. A 44-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving, and his vehicle was towed.
Saturday, Oct. 28
4:25am A transient man and woman were yelling about the smell of a dog on West Matheson Street. No drugs, weapons or alcohol were seen. An officer responded; no further assistance was required.
1:16pm. A 2-vehicle collision occurred on Healdsburg Avenue at Healdsburg Lumber. Fire and medical responded, both vehicles were towed.
3:44pm Petty theft reported on University Street. The RP stated a black electric scooter valued at $150 was stolen in September. The person the RP believes stole it walked by and flirted with his 15-YO daughter. The daughter asked for the scooter back. The RP called back to report that the suspect rode by the house on the scooter. Officers responded, but the suspect was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
8:56pm Trespassing reported on East Street. The RP indicated that a woman was yelling “help” from the laundry room. Officers responded and advised the woman she was trespassing. The woman was transported for medical help by Bells Ambulance Service.
10:44pm Threats made at L & M Motel on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP, a security guard, was threatened by a man who lives on the site. The man approached the RP’s vehicle while she was on a break and stated he would “yank her out of her vehicle and beat the —- out of her.” This was not the first time the man threatened her. Officers responded and attempted to contact the suspect, but he would not come to the door. The officer sent a report to the District Attorney.
Sunday, Oct. 29
3:10pm Public intoxication reported on Healdsburg Avenue at Piper Street. A man was lying down on the sidewalk. Officers responded and arrested a 33-YO man for public intoxication and resisting arrest, and transported him to county jail.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner
The 50-year-old woman drinking two bottles of wine and peeing on the patio at Healdsburg Bar & Grill sounds like the typical tourist from San Francisco.