LAW ENFORCEMENT Healdsburg’s ‘new’ police station, at 238 Center St., is almost 30 years old.

Monday, Oct. 30

11:11am A reporting party (RP) called police from Gallery Lulo on Center Street saying that an extremely angry woman was yelling and cursing. Officers responded and arrested a 50-year-old (YO) woman for violating probation and took her to county jail.

Tuesday, Oct. 31

8:23am Graffiti was reported at Oak Grove Apartments on Grove Street. Officers responded and took a report.

3:05pm Bike theft occurred at Safeway on Vine Street. The bike was white with “H2 hotel” on the frame. The RP was not seeking prosecution and only wanted the bike back. Officers responded and located the bike at the L&M Motel and returned it.

5:20pm Reckless driving was reported near La Tradicion Market on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP indicated that a Sonoma County Transit bus was driving recklessly out of town. The information was logged.

11:03pm Vandalism occurred at the Railroad Bridge on Front Street. Officers responded and took a report.

Wednesday, Nov. 1

4:56pm A disturbance occurred at the Healdsburg Junior High School on Grant Street, when a parent pulled up to a gate near the field and yelled obscenities through the fence to a student during lunchtime. The parent was upset with the student over a dissolved friendship between the student and the parent’s daughter. The RP did not need an officer and only called for the information to be logged.

Thursday, Nov. 2

5:46am Vandalism to a vehicle occurred on Monte Vista Avenue. The RP noticed a vehicle idling near her neighbor’s car and when it sped off, she noticed that her neighbor’s car had been keyed. Information was logged.

10:27am Graffiti was reported at the Railroad Bridge on Front Street. A report was taken.

12:37pm Two incidents of petty theft by the same person occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue on Nov. 1 and 2. The RP wanted both the suspect and the person the suspect was with to be trespassed. An officer responded to the store and to a job site where the suspect was identified. A report was taken.

4:25pm A hit-and-run accident occurred at Safeway on Vine Street. The RP indicated he was hit by the suspect’s vehicle while riding his bike. The RP stated he and his bike were stuck under the vehicle and the RP was hurt. The RP declined medical assistance, but indicated he would go to the hospital. The RP wanted his medical expenses to be covered by the suspect, but the RP did not go to the police department to file a report, so the incident was closed out.

5:13pm A reckless driver was reported at Safeway on Vine Street. Officers responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.

8:28pm The RP indicated that a woman was on the RP’s front porch banging on the front door on Second Street. An officer responded and contacted the suspect, who moved along.

8:55pm The RP indicated that several people with a dog were in the City Hall parking lot on Grove Street, drinking out of open containers and talking loudly. Officers responded and arrested a 36-YO man for violating probation and took him to county jail.

At the same incident, a 34-YO man was also arrested and taken to county jail for outstanding out-of-county warrants related to public intoxication and obstructing the police.

Friday, Nov. 3

1:06am A vehicle was stopped for violating auto registration regulations on Healdsburg Avenue at Lincoln Street. A 67-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving.

11:38am An altercation between two residents occurred at Healdsburg Senior Living Community on Grove Street. An officer responded, but neither party wanted to press charges and they separated.

11:51pm An officer stopped a 35-YO man for violating bicycle rules. He was arrested and transported to county jail for violating probation.

Saturday, Nov. 4

3:19am An assault was reported at the L&M Motel on Healdsburg Avenue. A resident threatened to hit another resident and two security guards in the face with a leather belt. The suspect smelled of alcohol and slurred his words. Officers responded and arrested a 61-YO man for assault and disturbing the peace.

8:30pm The RP indicated that a solo woman who appeared drunk stumbled to a vehicle from Duke’s Spirited Cocktails on Plaza Street. The RP followed the vehicle, but lost sight of it when it went eastbound on Powell Avenue towards North Fitch Mountain Road. Officers responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.

8:55pm A disturbance was reported at The Lodge on Grove Street. The RP stated a woman  may have been physically assaulted in a room. Officers responded and attempted to contact the people in the room, but both refused to speak with officers. Nothing was heard at the door, although police saw both subjects from an exterior bathroom window. No injuries were seen. Staff were advised to call back if they saw or heard anything else.

10:15pm The RP, a front desk employee at The Lodge on Grove Street, requested law enforcement for a physical altercation between women. Witnesses attempted to break up the fight. Officers responded and arrested a 37-YO woman for resisting arrest, battery against a police officer, preventing an officer from performing his duties and disturbing the peace. She was transported to county jail.

10:49pm Vandalism occurred at the Healdsburg Community Center on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP indicated that city property was thrown over the fence into the walking path. An officer responded and located small soccer goals and other items.

Sunday, Nov. 5

3:22pm An officer contacted and cited a 48-YO man on Bailhache Avenue at Healdsburg Avenue for possession of drug paraphernalia and for open Sonoma County warrants regarding drug possession, possession of drug paraphernalia and shoplifting.

6:20pm The RP indicated that a motorcycle drove recklessly behind Safeway on Vine Street. The motorcycle was seen going northbound on Vine Street. Officers responded and stopped a similar vehicle for violating vehicle registration rules, but it was not the same vehicle.  

Compiled by Carolyn Brenner

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