Monday, May 27
1:22pm The Reporting Party (RP) indicated that a loud protest involving 20 to 30 protesters occurred at Healdsburg Bar & Grill on Healdsburg Avenue. Officers responded and determined no violation occurred.
2:57pm The RP indicated there was a reckless driver who drove on the sidewalk near Rotten Robbie on Healdsburg Avenue. Officers responded and stopped the vehicle. The 63-year-old (YO) driver was cited and released for receiving stolen property, possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of an open container while driving and driving on a suspended license.
5:29pm The RP on Exchange Avenue at Healdsburg Avenue stated a man and woman were in a physical altercation. Officers responded and arrested a 33-YO woman for corporal injury to a spouse or cohabitant. She was transported to county jail.
7:36pm The RP followed the driver of a vehicle who was trying to get away from another vehicle on Healdsburg Avenue at Bailache Avenue. The RP was transferred to California Highway Patrol.
7:42pm The RP stated she was almost hit by a speeding bicyclist on North Street at University Street and believed the bicyclist would kill someone. Officers responded, but the bicyclist was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
10:58pm Two men were in a physical fight in the parking of Carl’s Jr. on Vine Street. No weapons were used. Officers responded and contacted both parties. Neither wanted to press charges.
Tuesday, May 28
11:11am Two men were in a physical fight on Vine Street. One man left on a bicycle and the other left in a vehicle. Officers responded and located one of the parties behind Safeway. He did not want to press charges and did not need medical attention. The other party was gone on arrival.
12:26pm The RP indicated that she confronted a man who was alone, indecently exposed and engaged in indecent behavior at Badger Park on Heron Drive on May 27. After the RP confronted the subject, he left on foot toward the bridge leading to encampments. The information was logged, and officers planned to patrol the area.
12:40pm An officer contacted a 26-YO man on the river frontage north of the railroad bridge. A search was conducted and he was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia.
7:44pm The RP saw a driver on Healdsburg Avenue at Lytton Springs Road who was driving on the wrong side of the road, swerving and possibly drunk. Officers responded, but the driver was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
9:28pm A vehicle on Healdsburg Avenue at Exchange Avenue almost hit two cars, the RP and a pedestrian while swerving in the Safeway parking lot. The RP believed the driver was drunk. The driver drove southbound onto Highway 101. The RP was transferred to California Highway Patrol.
10:56pm Two people outside the 7-Eleven store on Healdsburg Avenue were yelling and asking people for money. A customer inside the store did not want to leave the store due to the couple. Officers responded and advised the people not to return to the store.
Wednesday, May 29
6:59am The RP indicated someone tried to open a tool box valued at approximately $975 on the back of one of the work trucks at Mix Garden Materials on Healdsburg Avenue. On a second call, tools were reported stolen from an unlocked tool box on a different work truck. An officer responded and took a report.
9:55am The RP indicated that the previous night someone cut the lock and hinges on his cargo trailer on Sherman Street. Nothing was taken except possibly the yellow MasterLock that was on the trailer. An officer responded and took a report.
10:01am The RP indicated that on either May 18 or May 19, the vehicle of the RP’s son was broken into on Fieldcrest Drive. The vehicle was unlocked when the theft happened. Multiple items were taken. The RP’s son planned to call back, speak with an officer and give a detailed list of what was taken.
1:53pm A vehicle was stopped on the Lytton Springs Road off ramp for unsafe lane changes. A 44-YO man was cited and released to a responsible party for drunk driving and driving with an open container of alcohol.
2:11pm A vehicle was stopped for failing to signal before turning near Metro PCS on Healdsburg Avenue. A 30-YO man was cited for driving with a license suspended for DUI and violating probation.
Thursday, May 30
10:53am An officer contacted a 65-YO woman in the West Plaza Parking Lot. She was cited for possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. A therapist arrived and provided resources.
3:35pm The RP indicated that someone stole family jewelry worth over $4,000 from the RP’s house on Westmont Court while the RP and her husband were out of the house. No locks or property were damaged, and the RP believed the suspect possibly had a key. An officer responded and took a report.
4:31pm A vehicle was stopped for violating vehicle registration rules on Healdsburg Avenue. A 41-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving and driving without a license.
Friday, May 31
12:46pm The RP saw a motorcyclist driving recklessly several days earlier. The motorcycle was seen again May 31 near Rotten Robbie on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded, contacted the driver and advised the driver of the complaint.
2:17pm The RP indicated that a red pickup truck was being driven too fast and in the center median on Bailhache Avenue near the railroad tracks. The shirtless driver subsequently got out of his vehicle. Officers responded and arrested and jailed a 44-YO man for possessing a leaded cane or baton, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving under the influence of drugs and changing or altering required markings on a firearm or an imitation firearm to look more like a firearm. Another 69-YO man was cited and released on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding failure to appear in court and trespassing.
8:33pm The RP on Linda View Drive believed she heard four rounds of gunshots from the direction of Healdsburg Avenue. An officer advised her that the noise was from fireworks.
Saturday, June 1
8:03am An RP on Pinon Drive stated that someone from an unknown number called and texted him repeatedly. The unknown subject accused the RP of “mistreating his lady” and called 14 times, threatening to send a person to kill the RP. The texts included gory photos of people and firearms. The RP blocked the number, but similar texts and calls came from a different number that the RP also blocked. An officer responded and gave advice.
9:33am A woman at the Hotel Vinea on Dry Creek Road asked to use the front desk phone to call her friend. The woman began to act erratically and once the RP realized she wasn’t a guest, the RP asked the woman to leave. The RP got angry and stated, “You’re not helping me because I am disabled.” Officers responded, located the subject and advised her of the complaint.
11:39am The RP stated a past resident super-glued all the locks on the office doors and his previous room at the L&M Motel on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP was unable to open the doors. An officer responded and took a report. A warrantless arrest was put out against the subject for vandalism.
11:45am The RP indicated that a vehicle did donuts in the field and damaged the grass at the Fitch Mountain Elementary Campus of Healdsburg Elementary School on Monte Vista Avenue. An officer responded and took a report.
2:26pm The RP indicated a man walked out of Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue with hot food and a drink. He left on foot southbound to the Foss Creek Trail. An officer responded, located the subject and the subject ran away. Subsequently, the 35-YO man was arrested for resisting arrest and shoplifting. He was taken to county jail.
Sunday, June 2
9:21am The RP at Citrine Apartments on Grove Street indicated she applied for a job she did not believe was legitimate. The company sent her a check to purchase equipment to use while working from home, but the RP believed the job might not be real due to the information sheet’s lack of letterhead and poor grammar. The information was logged and an incident number was provided.
10:25am The RP indicated that his neighbors on Hemlock Drive had construction work performed on their roof outside of allowed construction hours. An officer responded and advised the subjects to stop work for that day.
12:12pm A person with two suitcases was lying on the sidewalk of Lupine Road at Terrace Boulevard. An officer responded and determined the person was merely sleeping. The person was provided a bus pass and moved along.
2:21pm A person was stopped on a bicycle for failing to signal before turning at Railroad Park on Front Street. A 47-YO man was cited and released for violating probation.
3:19pm Reckless driving was reported on Highway 101 at Arata Lane. Officers were instructed to Be On the Lookout (BOL) for a silver Audi R8, but when officers responded, the vehicle was gone and unable to be located.
4:09pm An officer stopped a vehicle near W. C. Sanderson Ford on Healdsburg Avenue due to an outstanding BOL advisement for passing on the right-hand shoulder on Highway 101. A 20-YO man was arrested for drunk driving, being a minor in possession of alcohol, carrying a loaded handgun while not the registered owner and carrying a concealed, loaded firearm. A second 20-YO man was arrested for being a minor in possession of alcohol, carrying a loaded handgun while not the registered owner and carrying a concealed, loaded firearm. Both men were transported to county jail. The car was released to the registered owner of the vehicle, one of the occupant’s fathers. Another RP called to identify the car as the vehicle that was passing on the right-hand shoulder of Highway 101.
5:14pm The RP indicated that there was construction happening on University Street outside allowed construction hours. An officer responded, but did not see or hear anyone violating construction rules.
6:39pm The RP on Rosewood Drive was outside weed whacking when her neighbor pulled the power cord out of her hands and yelled at her about getting dust on his car. Her wrist was hurt and she wanted to press charges. A 59-YO man was cited and released for battery. A report was taken.
11:11pm A staff member at the Healdsburg District Hospital on University Avenue reported a stab-wound victim was in the emergency department. Officers responded and identified the victim, and started an investigation. The victim was transported to Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner