HEALDSBURG’S FINEST From left, Sgt. Teygan Mason, Officer Sheldon DeFrank and Police Chief Matt Jenkins keep an eye on the March 17 early morning St. Patrick’s Day parade. (Rick Tang Photo)

Residents and others are encouraged to call Police Dispatch as needed at (707) 431-3377, operational 24/7

Monday, March 3

9:43am Graffiti was reported on Fitch Street at Alley 1 on the picket fence.

2:42pm The Reporting Party (RP) on Brown Street indicated his bike, which was locked on his front porch and valued at $1,500, was stolen. The RP was provided the incident number. Subsequently, the RP called back to say his bike was recovered.

3:15pm A man near Westamerica Bank on Healdsburg Avenue was sitting in his vehicle in the private parking lot since 8am. No one had asked him to leave. Officers responded and the man agreed to move along.

3:25pm A subject known to be on probation was contacted near Rite Aid Drugstore on Healdsburg Avenue. A 45-Year-Old (YO) man was arrested for violation of probation, possession of unlawful paraphernalia, obstruction and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. He was transported to county jail. The man’s residence was searched and he was also charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of a controlled substance with two or more prior convictions.

5:02pm A man at Safeway on Vine Street near the south front entrance of the building refused to leave. An officer responded and contacted the man who said he was waiting for someone and would move along when he was done waiting.

Tuesday, March 4

9:46am The RP on Almond Way said he was out of town for a few days and when he returned, he discovered his umbrella and bistro chair were stolen from the backyard. The RP only wanted to notify law enforcement.

12:51pm Graffiti was reported on Larkspur Drive at Grant Street. 

4:44pm On March 3, 2025, a man stole a burrito from Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP wanted to press charges. The suspect was subsequently given a citation. 

Wednesday, March 5

8:06am Graffiti was reported on Front Street at the railroad tracks. 

10:44am A person was contacted in an encampment behind Tip Top Liquor Warehouse on Dry Creek Road. A 45-YO man was arrested and brought to county jail for contempt of court, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance.

7:41pm A vehicle on Hwy 101 at Lytton Springs Road was stopped for having an expired registration. A 40-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for driving without a license. 

Thursday, March 6

2:01am A vehicle was stopped on Hwy 101 at Dry Creek Road for having an unreadable license plate. A 33-YO man was cited and released on an outstanding warrant regarding possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.

8:09am A student at the Healdsburg Junior High School was hit by a vehicle on University Street at Piper Street while walking to school. The student might have injured her wrist. Officers responded along with fire and medical personnel. The suspect was a juvenile, who responded to the scene and met with officers. The suspect was cited and released to a responsible guardian for felony hit-and-run with an injury, driving without a license and lacking proof of insurance. The victim was transported to Healdsburg General Hospital.

1:43pm A 45-YO man ran away and into a yard when he saw an officer on Bailhache Avenue at Fitch Mountain Road. A person at the residence contacted dispatch and reported what the man was doing. A foot pursuit ensued. The man was arrested and brought to county jail for possession of a controlled substance with at least two prior convictions, obstruction, possession of a controlled substance and violation of probation.

3:46pm A woman at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue refused to leave and caused a verbal argument. The RP wanted to press charges for trespassing. While the RP was on the phone with dispatch, the woman went into the parking lot and threw a cart. Officers responded and told the woman that she had been trespassed from Big John’s.

7:14pm The RP at Starbucks Coffee on Vine Street indicated that a woman who had trespass paperwork filed against her refused to leave. Subsequently, she was aggressive toward staff. Officers arrived and the woman was advised she was trespassed from the premises.  

Friday, March 7

6:56pm The RP on Sawmill Circle indicated that a person laid on the ground. Officers arrived. The 26-YO man was awake, breathing and intoxicated. He was brought to Healdsburg General Hospital for medical clearance before being arrested and brought to county jail for public intoxication and violation of probation.

Saturday, March 8

10:32am On March 7, 2025, the RP’s vehicle was hit at Badger Park on Heron Drive. The RP was unsure if he wanted to press charges, but the RP believed he knew who did the damage. An officer responded and took a report. Subsequently, the officer contacted the suspect and information was exchanged.  

10:33am The RP works at the Healdsburg Center for the Arts on Center Street. She believed that on March 7, 2025, a man and woman entered the gallery and stole five of her bank cards. Subsequently, the cards were used at multiple locations in Santa Rosa including the Apple Store and Best Buy. One charge was $7,000. Officers responded and took a report. 

10:56am The RP indicated a reckless driver was in the roundabout on Healdsburg Avenue. When the vehicle pulled up next to the RP, the RP asked the driver the reason for driving recklessly. The driver stated the driver needed to get coffee. The RP wanted to know the California vehicle code the driver violated by tailgating.

6:01pm A man in a black coat was in the bushes near Valette on Center Street. Officers responded with fire and medical personnel. The man refused medical help and was advised not to camp.

11:33pm A man operated a motorcycle without a helmet, driving up on the sidewalk and swerving at Plaza Park on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded, but the motorcycle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.

Sunday, March 9

4:20am The RP at the front desk of the h2hotel on Healdsburg Avenue indicated there was an altercation between two guests. Officers responded and contacted both guests. A 31-YO man was arrested and brought to county jail for inflicting corporal injury, false imprisonment with violence, possession of a controlled substance and damage or destruction to a wireless device. An emergency protective order was granted.

12:43pm The RP indicated that between four and six juveniles were on the beach of Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach near the boat dock when he heard two gunshots three minutes apart. The RP believed the juveniles were responsible. There was no fighting or yelling heard afterward. The RP believed the shots sounded like they were discharged from a small handgun or a .22. Officers responded, but the juveniles were gone on arrival and unable to be located.

7:22pm Two RPs indicated that one vehicle did donuts and immediately after that vehicle and two other vehicles raced on Old Rossi Place near Grove Street. Officers responded, but the vehicles were unable to be located.

10:50pm A patient left the Healdsburg General Hospital in his vehicle after being advised not to drive. The patient was given 4 milligrams of morphine at approximately 9pm and had a blood alcohol concentration of .1589. Officers responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located. The Flock license plate reader did not return any matches.

Compiled by Carolyn Brenner

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