Monday, July 29
8:45am Two reports of graffiti reported at Badger Park on Heron Drive and near Healdsburg City Hall on the bridge on the Foss Creek trail.
11:12am A driver was stopped near Great Clips on Vine Street for amplifying the noise of the vehicle’s exhaust system. A 52-Year-Old (YO) man was cited and released for driving with a suspended license and lacking proof of insurance.
2:10pm The Reporting Party (RP) on Parkland Farms Boulevard received an email which seemed to be people she knew asking her to click a link and listen to a voicemail. When she did so, she was instructed to provide her email account name and password. Then someone unsuccessfully tried to access and empty her bank account. The RP contacted the bank, the Federal Trade Commission and credit bureaus about the incident.
8:20pm The RP at Safeway on Vine Street stated a man and woman screamed at each other. The man stated, “Kill me now.” Officers responded, but the people were uncooperative and left the scene.
8:29pm A man screamed at a woman on Monte Vista Avenue at Healdsburg Avenue. Officers arrived on the scene, but the people were gone on arrival and unable to be located.
11:08pm A car was stopped at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue for speeding and having an obscured license plate. An 18-YO woman was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving.
Tuesday, July 30
2:43am A car was stopped at Chevron South on Healdsburg Avenue for rolling through stop signs. A 44-YO man was arrested and jailed for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine, contempt of court and violation of probation.
1:20pm A bicyclist was stopped for riding on the wrong side of the road and failing to indicate a turn on West North Street at Vine Street. A 40-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for resisting arrest, disobeying a peace officer, riding a bicycle under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and public intoxication.
1:53pm A report was taken regarding a fraudulent wire transfer of $16,000 at BMO Bank on Center Street.
8:21pm The RP on Hemlock Drive confronted his neighbor for construction outside of permit hours. The workers left. The RP called dispatch to share the information.
8:52pm An intoxicated woman backed into a truck at Bank of Marin on Center Street. Officers responded and arrested a 65-YO woman for drunk driving. She was taken to county jail.
10:03pm An officer served a warrant on a 19-YO man on West Grant Street. He was arrested and transported to county jail on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding carrying a loaded firearm; carrying a firearm as a juvenile; unlawful purchase, receipt, disposal, sale, offer of sale or possession of a firearm without identifying information; and possession of live ammunition.
Wednesday, July 31
1:18am A car was stopped for violating registration rules on Dry Creek Road at Kinley Drive. A 45-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for unlawful use of tear gas and possession of drug paraphernalia. A 46-YO woman was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine and driving on a suspended license.
4:42am A woman was on the ground and appeared unable to walk on University Street. The RP heard people that were with her calling her name. Officers responded with medical help, but the individuals were gone on arrival and unable to be located.
10:34am Graffiti was reported near Healdsburg Montessori School on Grove Street on the bridge of the walking path.
1:54pm An unlicensed driver was cited near McDonald’s on Healdsburg Avenue.
6:38pm A 36-YO man on Pozzan Road was arrested and transported to county jail on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding the manufacture, import, sale, transfer or possession of a leaded cane or baton, and drunk driving.
7:34pm Two people, initially identified as two males, stole steak filets valued at approximately $250 from the walk-in refrigerator at Dry Creek Kitchen on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP wanted to press charges. The following day, at 11:58am, an officer located the two suspects at the Healdsburg Community Center. A 53-YO man and a 32-YO woman were arrested and transported to county jail for burglary, conspiracy to commit a felony and violation of probation.
Thursday, August 1
10:16am The RP indicated that an unknown person punched him in the face on the Foss Creek Trail the previous evening. The RP did not want to press charges, but wanted the police to know about the incident and suggested officers ride bikes on the path.
10:57am The RP stated that a few days earlier, a large concrete planter from his neighbor’s property fell down the hill and damaged his property on Maxwell Street. It appeared that his neighbor fixed the damage to the neighbor’s property but did not contact the RP. An officer responded and spoke with the neighbor. The parties decided to sort the issues out privately.
1:08pm The RP on Fitch Street stated that her grandmother’s phone was hacked and there was an unknown subject on her Apple ID. The RP was advised to call Apple.
3:36pm The RP on West Grant Street stated that someone texted her mother and was able to hack her mother’s phone and obtain her mother’s contacts. The hacker told her mother’s contacts and friends to send $200 to the hacker. The RP indicated that some of the contacts fell for the scam. The RP was advised to contact the cell phone provider and notify friends and family of the scam.
4:12pm The RP stated a vehicle tailgated him and threw something at the RP’s vehicle going northbound on Hwy 101 at Airport Boulevard. The vehicle was not damaged. The incident was logged.
11:04pm Graffiti was reported on Healdsburg Avenue.
Friday, August 2
12:42am-1:06pm Multiple reports of graffiti near Healdsburg Community Center, at Alley 6 behind Wine Country Chevron, on Chiquita Road at Grove Street, on the fence near Spruce Way and at Healdsburg District Hospital Outpatient Therapies on Healdsburg Avenue.
1:56pm The RP at Enso Village on Boxheart Drive stated a woman at the back of the property was washing herself with a hose. The woman walked away with her pants down, exposing herself. The RP did not want to press charges for indecent exposure, but was willing to file trespass paperwork against the woman.
2:12pm A woman was lying on the ground on Johnson Street. An officer responded and transported the woman for medical care.
2:17pm The RP on Larkspur Drive stated that sometime on the previous day someone stole her Buddha statue, valued at $200.
2:29pm The RP on Healdsburg Avenue reported graffiti that was previously reported and indicated that a cord was cut for something she owned. The RP agreed to call back if she wanted to press charges.
2:48pm The RP at Healdsburg Food Pantry on Healdsburg Avenue stated an angry man yelled in front of the business. The RP was not willing to press charges, but wanted the man to move along. Officers responded and provided the man with a bus pass.
3:59pm Petty theft of $240 worth of items occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue on Aug. 1. The RP was willing to press charges and file trespass paperwork against the thief.
4:54pm The RP indicated that a man was passed out in the bushes near Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. A 52-YO man was arrested and taken to county jail for public intoxication and violation of probation. The man was trespassed from the property.
5:33pm An officer stopped a man on a bike for riding against traffic near Carl’s Jr. on Vine Street. A 35-YO man was cited and released on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding violation of probation and false imprisonment.
8:01pm An officer contacted a 44-YO man near the Dollar Tree on Vine Street. He was cited on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding polluting near water.
9:32pm The RP indicated that she was in an altercation with her male partner on Adeline Way. She stated her partner pushed her several times against a wall. Officers responded and contacted her partner in front of the residence. An emergency protection order was granted. A 71-YO woman was arrested and transported to county jail for domestic battery.
10:03pm The RP indicated a possible drunk driver was near Healdsburg Bar and Grill on Healdsburg Avenue. The caller was transferred to California Highway Patrol.
Saturday, August 3
8:18am The RP indicated that half of the mailboxes on Philip Drive appeared open and broken into. The RP was referred to the U.S. Postal Office.
7:15pm An officer cited a driver for driving with a suspended license on Alexander Valley Road.
Sunday, August 4
2:06am An officer stopped a 37-YO man near Redwood Highway at Arata Lane for weaving between the lanes. He was cited and released for violating probation.
11:10am The RP indicated that there was a construction violation on Pinon Drive. An officer responded and advised the homeowner of the ordinance. The homeowner agreed to comply with the construction ordinance.
1:18pm An officer cited an unlicensed driver near Lola’s on Healdsburg Avenue.
3:05pm A vehicle was stopped for violating the vehicle registration and brake-light rules near Healdsburg Gas Mart on Healdsburg Avenue. A 42-YO man was cited and released for violating probation and driving with a license suspended for DUI.4:05pm An officer cited an unlicensed driver on Lytton Springs Road at Healdsburg Avenue.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner