Monday, July 24
10:01am. Disturbance at Healdsburg Ave and Plaza St. RP (Reporting Party) indicated a person was destroying a bike and throwing bike pieces and garbage into traffic and yelling obscenities. A 47-year-old male was cited for drug possession and drug paraphernalia possession and then released.
6:30pm. Reckless driver in a white sedan chasing a motorcycle reported at University St. and Grant St. Disposition: unable to locate.
Tuesday, July 25
7:37am. Grand theft reported at Healdsburg Food Pantry, where a motor was stolen from a fire suppression trailer. Disposition: report taken.
1:21pm. Disturbance reported at Badger Park on Heron Dr. RP indicated a woman with a white van was yelling obscenities. Officer arrived and was able to calm the subject, and no further action will be taken.
3:14pm. Officer initiated activity at Chase Bank on Vine St. to serve a 43-year-old male subject a Sonoma County warrant.
3:16pm. Reckless driver in a white Dodge Ram reported at Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach. RP stated driver ran her off the road and ran a stop sign. Officer responded, but subject was gone on arrival, and no further action will be taken.
6:50pm. Disturbing the peace occurred at Rotten Robbie’s by a group in a white pickup truck. RP stated that two parties were arguing over a pellet gun. Officers responded, and subject was uncooperative. A 57-year-old male was arrested and transferred to county jail.
Wednesday, July 26
12:30pm. Property damage reported at Jerry’s Valero. Information logged and RP referred to his insurance company.
1:52pm. RP indicated that she received a document in the mail saying she won $100. When she called the phone number in the document, she was asked for her bank account number. RP did not reveal the bank information. RP was advised to file the cybercrime with FTC.gov.
6:11pm. RP reported that her car was damaged by a hit and run driver at Garrett’s Hardware parking lot. A witness reported the suspect vehicle was a white Ford pickup truck. Officer responded and took a report.
Thursday, July 27
12:11am. Officer stopped a vehicle for a registration issue, and driver was cited for drug paraphernalia possession.
2:34am. Burglary reported at Wine Country Chevron on Healdsburg Avenue. Officers found a shattered door and reviewed video footage to obtain descriptions of the suspect and the suspect’s vehicle. Disposition: report taken.
8:15am. Reckless driver on bike reported at freeway entrance near Giorgio’s Restaurant. Officer responded and found a person that possibly matched the subject. No action taken.
9:13am. Harassment reported near Healdsburger. RP was walking his dog when a woman screamed and harassed him. Disposition: unable to locate.
10:36am. Graffiti reported on Piper St. on alley side. Disposition: report taken.
12:43pm. Grand theft reported at West Plaza Park on North Street. RP stated that his green backpack with a Chromebook from the Healdsburg library was stolen four weeks ago, but RP doesn’t know the exact date.
4:45pm. Idaho felony warrant served on subject and arrest made on a 36-year-old male at transient camp directly behind Wicked Slush.
7:22pm. Public intoxication and resisting arrest occurred at Montage Hotel. A 33-year-old woman was arrested and brought to county jail after medical clearance.
7:51pm. Public intoxication of person inside a parked car reported in Vineyard Plaza. The keys to vehicle were kept at Mombos restaurant and turned over to a sober driver.
11:06pm. Drunk driver reported at Redwood Highway. Disposition: referred to California Highway Patrol.
Friday, July 28
7:01am. Accident occurred at Healdsburg Ave. and Passalacqua Rd. Another caller reported a high rate of speed right before the accident. Disposition: report taken.
3:57pm. Petty theft of cooler valued at $150 out of open Jeep on Sanns Ln. Disposition: report taken.
8:36pm. Disturbing the peace occurred at Agave Restaurant by two males and possibly a female. A male threw a can at a female. Officers responded and separated subjects.
9:41pm, 9:42pm, 9:43pm and 9:44pm. Multiple harassing phone calls made to Healdsburg Police by subject demanding to get back his cell phone, which was being held in the property room. Caller was advised to come on Monday.
Saturday, July 29
1:24pm. Disturbing the peace occurred at the L&M Motel. Officers responded, and suspect was gone on arrival.
1:52pm. Stolen vehicle from Sacramento County recovered at Rotten Robbie’s. Registered owner notified. A 56-year-old male was arrested and booked at Sonoma County jail.
4:33pm. Trespassing occurred at Capital Lumber. RV parked on property when the business was closed. Officer responded and located an older model unoccupied Dodge bus.
Monday, July 31
3:59am. RP indicated that an unwanted subject was being aggressive and refusing to leave the Healdsburg Hospital Laboratory. Officers responded, and subject was given a courtesy ride to Cloverdale.