Monday, July 22
8:27am A probation check occurred on Grove Street. A 22-year-old (YO) man was arrested for contempt of court, possession of a switchblade and violating probation. The man was transported to county jail.
12:32pm The Reporting Party (RP) at H2Hotel on Healdsburg Avenue heard people screaming near the creek behind the hotel. The subjects left in the direction of Safeway. An officer responded, but the people were gone on arrival and unable to be located.
2:26pm Theft of pipe fabric valued at $29.99 was caught on video at Healdsburg Lumber Company on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded, took a report and followed up with the suspect. The suspect said it was a misunderstanding and the store would work with the suspect to get payment.
3:22pm A man trespassed at Enso Village on Boxheart Drive near the encampment by the railroad tracks. An officer responded and referred the issue to the therapist on staff at the Healdsburg Police Department.
4:35pm The RP indicated that her ex-husband threw a drink in her face at The Elephant in the Room on Healdsburg Avenue on July 21. The RP’s partner previously reported being assaulted by the same person at the same location on the same night. The RP was willing to press charges and an officer took a report.
Tuesday, July 23
1:24am The RP at the Dollar Tree on Vine Street indicated the manager of the Dollar Tree ran at the RP in a threatening manner. The RP pulled out his walking stick to scare the manager back. The manager said “I will snatch the stick out and kill you with it.” The incident was never physical and the RP does not need medical attention. The RP wanted to press charges.
6:58am A man was unable to get up in front of Safeway on Vine Street. The RP indicated that the man said he was drunk. An officer responded and arrested a 55-YO man for public intoxication and violating parole. He was transported to county jail.
1:36pm A burglary occurred on Hwy 128 at Foley Family Farms. Someone broke into one of the company houses where an employee lived. The incident was transferred to the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.
2:26pm An unlicensed driver was given a citation on Healdsburg Avenue.
10:08pm Graffiti was reported on Grove Street at Chiquita Road.
Wednesday, July 24
1:59am An officer stopped a vehicle racing on Redwood Highway at Asti Ridge Road. A 35-YO man was cited and released for racing and driving with a license suspended for driving under the influence (DUI).
8:31am The RP indicated that three tires were slashed on a vehicle on Grove Street. An officer responded and took a report.
12:20pm An officer contacted a 25-YO man at Carson Warner Skate Park on Grove Street for a probation check. He was cited for violating probation, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
3:32pm A person at McDonald’s on Healdsburg Avenue stole soda and pushed an employee before leaving. An officer responded. The victim did not want to press charges. Officers looked for the suspect, but the suspect was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
3:46pm An officer tried to stop a vehicle on Redwood Highway at Lytton Springs Road for lack of vehicle registration. A pursuit ensued. A 27-YO man was arrested for violating probation, felony reckless evading, driving with a license suspended for DUI, and refusing to show identification and vehicle registration. He was transported to county jail.
4:34pm The RP said that on July 23 at Badger Park on Heron Drive a man approached the fence and yelled obscenities at people in the park. The man said he was bitten by a dog and recorded the RP. He told the RP to “go to hell.” The RP was advised to call if another altercation happened. An officer responded and looked for the man, but he was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
4:53pm A man was lying in front of the doors at Dollar Tree on Vine Street. He had a small dog in the basket of his bike. An officer responded and determined the man was sleeping.
8:46pm The RP indicated that three people were smoking marijuana at Badger Park on Heron Drive by the portable toilets where there appeared to be fresh graffiti on the walls. Officers responded and a foot pursuit ensued. Three male juveniles were arrested and taken to Healdsburg District Hospital for medical clearance. They were then transported to juvenile detention for assault with a deadly weapon, resisting arrest and vandalism. On July 26, the juveniles reported to the Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street where they were arrested and released for possession of undetectable firearms.
10:01pm The RP, a ranger at the ranger station, tried to close the park at Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach on Healdsburg Avenue but a man refused to leave. The RP was willing to press charges and file trespass paperwork against the man. An officer responded and the man, who had been drinking, agreed to move along.
Thursday, July 25
8:26am The RP at Canyon Run Apartments on Canyon Run stated that a person ripped things out of the ground and vandalized the property. The RP was willing to press charges. An officer responded and met with the RP. The officer attempted to contact the suspect, who refused to speak with the officer and refused to sign a citation. A report was sent to the district attorney requesting that vandalism charges be filed against the suspect.
9:32am The RP indicated that a robbery at knife-point occurred at Rite Aid Drugstore on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded and took a report. The victim was not willing to press charges.
6:03pm An officer dropped off fireworks for destruction at the Healdsburg Fire Department on Healdsburg Avenue.
6:38pm The RP at Dollar Tree on Vine Street indicated that a transient asked him to buy him alcohol. When the RP refused, the man followed the RP to Safeway, then chased him to the pet store in the Vineyard Plaza. The RP only wanted the information logged and would call back if it happened again.
11:00pm The RP, an ER nurse at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, indicated that a patient said he was assaulted at work on Center Street on July 23. He was punched repeatedly on the head and there was concern about a brain bleed. He did not want to press charges.
Friday, July 26
9:38am The RP on Fitch Street indicated that her grandmother was getting scam calls. She was called eight times on July 25 and four times on July 26. They blocked the caller’s phone number on her grandmother’s cell phone. The grandmother’s credit card was hacked and she was defrauded of $3,000. They reported the scam to the credit card company and canceled the credit card. The RP was advised to also block the number from her grandmother’s home phone and to follow up with the Federal Trade Commission.
2:28pm Shoplifting was reported at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. Officers responded and arrested a 38-YO woman for shoplifting. The woman and a companion were removed from the store for trespassing.
4:19pm Multiple juveniles reported to the Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street. They were arrested and released for possession of undetectable firearms.
9:01pm An officer stopped a vehicle for a registration violation on Westside Road at Kinley Drive. A 45-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving and violating probation.
11:41pm A vehicle was stopped for violating headlight rules on Redwood Highway at Lytton Springs Road. A 30-YO man was cited and released on an outstanding out-of-county warrant regarding driving with a license suspended for DUI and failing to appear in court.
Saturday, July 27
8:56am Graffiti was reported on Grove Street at Chiquita Road.
9:29am Graffiti was reported on March Avenue on a green utility box.
2:55pm The RP on Mountain View Drive indicated that a person tried to fraudulently get her to purchase two gift cards valued at $100 each and provide the information to the scammer. She did not comply and was advised to block the suspect’s phone numbers and email address.
6:46pm The RP indicated that someone on Healdsburg Avenue at Grant Street was driving recklessly on a motorcycle and being a menace. An officer responded, but the driver was unable to be located.
8:54pm The RP at Safeway on Vine Street heard a woman screaming. The RP believed a man and woman were in an altercation with the man standing above the woman. The woman yelled, “stay away,” “get away from me, don’t touch me.” The RP said that subsequently two men were in a physical altercation. A 25-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for violating probation and possessing drug paraphernalia.
10:05pm A woman was hitting a man in a truck in the parking lot of Healdsburg District Hospital on University Avenue. The vehicle left the property, but was located by officers. A 44-YO woman was booked and transported to county jail for domestic battery.
Sunday, July 28
12:25pm A 26-YO man was stopped on Healdsburg Avenue for having outstanding warrants. He was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine, and on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine.
3:25pm A man who was nodding off had drug paraphernalia in his lap at Badger Park on Heron Drive. A 45-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine with intent to sell and displaying an imitation firearm in public.
4:33pm A hit-and-run accident occurred on Healdsburg Avenue at North Street. The suspect vehicle was already being searched regarding drunk driving. The vehicle was located and the driver was transported to Healdsburg General Hospital for medical clearance. A 41-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving and hit-and-run.
5:26pm Multiple callers indicated that protesters near the former location of Wicked Slush on Healdsburg Avenue were blocking the roadways. An officer checked the areas to ensure that no further action was needed.
8:00pm A man was stopped on Spruce Way at Terrace Boulevard for walking in the middle of the street and being unsteady on his feet. A 42-YO man was arrested for public intoxication and providing false identification. He was transported directly to county jail.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner