Monday, Jan. 22
12:34am Reckless driving was reported of a vehicle going southbound in the northbound lane on Redwood Highway at the Central offramp. Officers responded and contacted the driver. The incident was referred to the California Highway Patrol.
7:33am Reckless driving was reported on North Street at Center Street. The driver was seen running four red lights and driving on the wrong side of the road. The vehicle was registered to an address in Healdsburg and an officer arrived at the address to try to locate the vehicle. The vehicle was unable to be located.
9:33am A 39-year-old (YO) man was contacted by an officer at Safeway on Vine Street regarding an outstanding warrant for trespassing. He was given a citation.
10:17am The RP indicated that an unoccupied tent was set up in the West Plaza Parking lot on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer arrived on the scene and confirmed the tent was unoccupied. The officer planned to notify a therapist, if the officer can identify the owner of the tent, to advise the occupant that the occupant is not allowed on the premises.
2:59pm A 43-YO man was contacted by an officer at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue and was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia and violating probation.
3:26pm An officer stopped a vehicle at Jerry’s Valero on Dry Creek Road regarding an unlawful driver’s side mirror. A 30-YO man was cited for driving with a suspended license, for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) and on an outstanding out-of-county warrant regarding drunk driving.
7:13pm The RP on Brown Street called 911 but did not speak with the dispatcher. Loud screaming was heard between family members, and officers responded. A 32-YO man was arrested for domestic battery and transported to county jail. An emergency protective order was granted and entered.
Tuesday, Jan. 23
8:17am An officer stopped a vehicle on Healdsburg Avenue at Passalacqua Road for speeding and violating vehicle light rules. A 27-YO man was cited and released for driving on a suspended license and violating probation.
8:24am Graffiti was reported on the Foss Creek Path bridge behind Healdsburg Montessori School on Grove Street.
8:38am The RP indicated that a man and woman who were not allowed on the property were at the Raven Film Center on Center Street. An officer responded and the people moved along. A therapist will follow up with the people about shelter options.
9:24am The RP indicated that a vehicle was stolen Jan. 22, 2023 at Silveira Healdsburg on Healdsburg Avenue. The vehicle was added to the FLOCK license plate reader database. An officer responded and took a report.
9:28am The RP went to the lobby of the Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street to report fraud. On Jan. 22, 2023, the RP received a call from an unknown person, who gained access to her bank account and phone. An officer spoke to the RP and gave advice.
11:05am The RP indicated that a Chrome Kit, including a Chromebook and Hot Spot, valued at $500, that the RP borrowed from the Healdsburg Library on Piper Street, was stolen. The theft was logged and an incident number was provided to the RP.
9:39pm The RP indicated that a man at the back delivery door refused to leave Rite Aid Drugstore on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP then stated the man walked away, but requested police to check the area after business hours. The request was provided to officers working during the night.
11:44pm The RP indicated that an unwanted person was at Starbucks Coffee on Vine Street. Officers arrived, but the person had already moved along.
Wednesday, Jan. 24
11:54am The RP indicated that a man and woman at the Raven Film Center on Center Street were not allowed to be there. Officers contacted the people, who packed up and left.
2:36pm A vehicle was stopped for violating registration rules on Grove Street. A 45-YO woman was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia, violating probation and theft. A 42-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for driving under the influence of drugs, driving with a suspended license, possession of drug paraphernalia, violating probation and violating rules regarding proof of insurance.
3:41pm Trespassing occurred at Mitchell Plaza on Center Street. An officer provided the RP advice regarding trespass issues.
5:09pm Reckless driving was reported on Healdsburg Avenue at Front Street. The RP stated the driver could not maintain their lane and drove 5-10 miles per hour. Officers responded and contacted the driver. No further assistance was needed.
6:00pm Reckless driving was reported at Healdsburg Hospital on University Avenue. The RP, an employee of the hospital, said a patient drove away after being given 20 milligrams of Norco. Officers responded, but the subject was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
7:56pm A man threatened to stab an employee at Jerry’s Valero on Dry Creek Road. The victim wanted to press charges and also wanted the man to have a trespass letter filed against him. Officers responded and took a report, but were unable to locate the man. Officers were on the lookout for the man.
9:45pm Reckless driving was reported on Parkland Farms Boulevard at Latigo Lane. The RP stated a muscle car or sedan was doing donuts. Officers responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
Thursday, Jan. 25
9:35am Burglary was reported at Dry Creek Inn on Dry Creek Road. The manager stated the storage unit was broken into the previous night. The lock appeared to have been pried open with something resembling a knife. The RP was unsure if anything was taken. The RP had been having issues with a transient couple in the area. Officers responded and took a report.
12:31am Petty theft was reported at Plaza Park on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP believed someone stole his luggage containing medication. An incident number was provided to the RP.
2:01pm A verbal altercation occurred at Healdsburg High School on Prince Avenue between two students. One student made multiple gang references. An officer responded and spoke with the student.
3:28pm Counterfeit bills were received over the previous two weeks at Healdsburg Lumber Company on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded, but the business did not want to press charges. An officer collected the bills, booked them into the property room and took a report.
4:36pm Reckless driving was reported on Fitch Street at Haydon Street. A Mustang drove in the area with an extremely loud exhaust. Officers were provided the information to be on the lookout for the vehicle.
8:19pm An aggressive patient was in the emergency department at Healdsburg Hospital on University Avenue. The patient was verbally aggressive and threw things. The RP was willing to press charges. Officers responded and calmed the patient down.
Friday, Jan. 26
9:04am Reckless driving was reported on Redwood Highway at Old Redwood Highway. The vehicle was seen speeding, weaving in and out of lanes and not using signals. An officer responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
2:40pm Multiples RPs indicated a physical altercation occurred on University Avenue at March Avenue. Officers responded and contacted the three people. There was no victim or crime.
10:02pm The RP indicated a man and woman were hitting each other in front of Exchange Bank on Vine Street. Both appeared to have been drinking. Officers responded and a 24-YO woman was arrested and transported to county jail for domestic battery.
Saturday, Jan. 27
8:45am A hit-and-run accident was reported on First Street. Someone crashed into the RP’s vehicle around 4:30am. A neighbor saw the subject tow his own vehicle and did not leave a note. An officer responded and took a report.
1:27pm An officer stopped a vehicle on Dry Creek Road at the Dry Creek Road off ramp for violating registration rules and having tires in poor condition. A 63-YO woman was cited and released for violating probation, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. A 60-YO man was cited and released for possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
2:31pm An officer stopped a vehicle on Bailhache Avenue at Healdsburg Avenue for a probation check. A 37-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for violating probation, receiving stolen property, possession of burglary tools and attempted theft.
8:29pm An officer stopped a vehicle on Vine Street at Matheson Street for crossing double lines and weaving. A 66-YO woman was cited and released for drunk driving.
11:35pm The RP indicated there was a solo vehicle accident at Healdsburg City Hall on Grove Street. The driver appeared drunk and tried pushing the vehicle. The driver also called 911 and stated that he was drunk and crashed his car. He stated he was “fine.” A 23-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving.
Sunday, Jan. 28
12:21am An officer initiated contact with a man at O’Reilly Auto Parts on Healdsburg Avenue. The man was arrested and transported to county jail for violating probation, driving under the influence of drugs and resisting arrest.
4:00pm Multiple RPs indicated reckless driving occurred on Redwood Highway at Dry Creek Road. An officer stopped the vehicle and a 40-YO man was arrested and brought to county jail for driving under the combined influence of alcohol and drugs, possession of sedatives or benzodiazepines, and sale of marijuana.
5:10pm The RP stated an incoherent and screaming woman was sitting at the bar at Maison Wine Bar on Healdsburg Avenue. Officers arrived, but she was gone on arrival and unable to be located. The woman returned and was taken to Healdsburg Hospital.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner