Monday, Jan. 15
6:41am The Reporting Party (RP) at Hotel Trio on Dry Creek Road stated staff asked a woman in the cafeteria to leave. Officers responded and the subject was gone on arrival and unable to be located. The RP was advised to call back if the woman returned.
11:16am Vandalism was reported at Healdsburg Community Center on Healdsburg Avenue. An unknown vehicle did “donuts” in the grass field and caused over $4,000 of damage. No suspect has been identified.
12:07pm An officer cited an unlicensed driver at Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach on Healdsburg Avenue.
12:23pm Officers attempted to stop a vehicle on Healdsburg Avenue at Bailache Avenue. Officers found multiple copper wires in the area. The subject at first evaded officers, but the 27-year-old (YO) man was located, arrested and brought to county jail for violating probation, making unlawful deposits into the water and for resisting arrest, and on an outstanding Solano County warrant regarding driving without a license and possession of methamphetamine.
Tuesday, Jan. 16
3:45pm Vandalism was reported at Healdsburg Corporation Yard on Westside Road. A city employee reported via email that subjects took items in a white 5-gallon bucket and tried to steal a propane tank. The RP also stated the subjects cut hoses. An officer arrived and took a report.
Wednesday, Jan. 17
8:23am Trespassing was reported at Rite Aid Drugstore on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP believed that two trespassers left behind a bike and miscellaneous property when they heard the RP. Police advised the RP to do what she believed fit with the property.
10:42am Grand theft occurred at Amy Munselle Family Dentistry on Grant Street. Tools worth approximately $1,200 were stolen around Dec. 13, 2023. The RP found his tools at the Petaluma police department, but the property could not be released without verification of ownership. An officer responded and took a report.
10:50am Trespassing occurred at Rite Aid Drugstore on Healdsburg Avenue. A customer reported a man in front of the store was smoking a glass pipe. Officers responded and gave the man a verbal trespassing warning.
7:28pm A vehicle was stopped near Ceja Quality Tires on Healdsburg Avenue for violating registration rules. A 61-YO man was arrested and brought to county jail for driving under the influence of drugs, possession of a switchblade and theft or misappropriation of property.
8:07pm Drunk driving occurred on Passalacqua Road at Montage Way. The RP stated a vehicle hit the Montage sign. Officers responded and the occupant fled the scene. Ultimately the subject was detained near his home. A 62-YO man was arrested and brought to county jail for drunk driving and hit-and-run.
Thursday, Jan. 18
8:07am Assault was reported at Healdsburg High School on Prince Avenue. A female juvenile was attacked before arriving at school. The girl had a bloody nose. An officer responded and took a report.
10:00am The RP indicated a customer at Chase Bank on Vine Street refused to leave. The man was upset that he could not get additional services with the bank. The man towered over the RP and the RP didn’t feel comfortable. Officers responded and filed no-trespassing paperwork regarding the man. The same man returned approximately 30 minutes later and made threatening statements. An officer responded and contacted the RP.
3:21pm The RP indicated she opened an email that appeared to be from Best Buy’s Geek Squad which allowed someone to hack her computer on Mill Creek Lane. The hacker was able to get into her bank account and transfer funds from her savings into her checking account. She called her bank to put a stop on the funds, and she is not out of any money at this time. Information regarding this incident was recorded.
Friday, Jan. 19
10:59am A vehicle was stopped near the Best Western on Dry Creek Road for violating light requirements. A 34-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of a controlled substance, violating probation and operating a vehicle with an open container of alcohol or marijuana.
Saturday, Jan. 20
2:28am A stolen vehicle triggered Flock, the license plate reader system, on Healdsburg Avenue at Grant Avenue. Officers responded and the Hayward Police Department confirmed that the vehicle was stolen and had been involved in a carjacking on the previous evening, where a firearm was used. Healdsburg police, led by Sergeant Doherty, pursued the vehicle. The Sheriff’s Office assisted and the California Highway Patrol was notified. The vehicle was stopped using the PIT (Pursuit Intervention Technique) maneuver, in which the police forced the fleeing vehicle to turn sideways abruptly, requiring the driver to stop. The driver fled on foot and was unable to be located. The passenger, 20-year-old Eric Lopez, was arrested and transported to county jail for driving or taking a vehicle without consent, receiving a stolen vehicle, criminal conspiracy and evading the police.
9:52am Warrant service occurred near Brush Salon on Healdsburg Avenue. The subject was in front of the Harris Gallery laying on the sidewalk with suitcases, fully covered by a red fuzzy blanket. The RP was concerned that customers would have to walk around the subject. Officers responded and cited and released the 45-YO woman on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding violating probation, unlawfully brandishing a weapon, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
2:04pm The RP on Grove Street indicated her vehicle was hit, and no suspect vehicle was on the scene. An officer responded and spoke with the RP regarding the hit-and-run accident.
8:46pm The RP on Rosewood Drive at Pheasant Drive reported a vehicle drove recklessly near her house. An officer responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
Sunday, Jan. 21
2:43am A vehicle was stopped on Healdsburg Avenue at North Street for unsafe lane changes. A 38-YO man was cited for drunk driving and released to a responsible party.
11:19am The RP indicated a man was inside Safeway on Vine Street at the Starbucks kiosk screaming at people. He was asked to leave by employees. The man stated he needed medical help. Officers transported him to Healdsburg District Hospital. Safeway was willing to press charges for goods the man stole, and a trespassing letter would be filed regarding the man.
11:48am The RP, an employee in the ER at Healdsburg District Hospital on University Avenue, stated that the same subject involved in the 11:19pm disturbance at Safeway yelled at and threatened staff. Officers responded. The man was medically cleared and then escorted off the premises.
2:59pm The RP on Ward Street stated he heard what he believed to be four people screaming, and one subject sounded drunk. Officers responded and arrested a 47-YO man and transported him to county jail for violating probation.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner