Monday, Feb. 26
8:34am Vandalism occurred on West Grant Street. The Reporting Party (RP) stated she believed her neighbor broke a piece of porcelain on her porch and left a bag of unknown liquid on her porch. The RP also stated that she believed a part of her windshield wiper was broken on her vehicle. An officer responded, spoke to the RP and attempted to contact the neighbor. The officer took a report.
2:05pm Two men at Wicked Slush on Healdsburg Avenue were seen perhaps stripping wire. They also had a fire burning in a firepit or barbecue. Officers responded and cited a 28-year-old (YO) man for violating probation, trespassing, and on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding violating probation and burglary. A 24-YO man was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia and trespassing. A 26-YO woman was cited on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding possession of drug paraphernalia, public intoxication and fighting or challenging another person in a public place to fight.
2:54pm A vehicle was stopped for speeding outside the Healdsburg District Hospital on University Avenue. A 48-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for possession of methamphetamine and violating probation. A 56-YO man was cited and released for possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
4:32pm A distraught woman went to the lobby of the Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street. She threatened to hurt herself. A 59-YO woman was arrested and transported to county jail for public intoxication and violating probation.
11:08pm A warrant service officer near Safeway on Vine Street cited and released a 43-YO man on an outstanding warrant regarding possession of methamphetamine.
Tuesday, Feb. 27
7:56am Vehicle tampering occurred at a business on Grove Street. The RP stated that on Feb. 25 or 26, the wheels and rims were stolen off of one of their vehicles in the parking lot. An officer responded and took a report.
9:36am Vandalism occurred on West Grant Street. The RP stated that her neighbor ripped or cut two of the RP’s plants, and put one of them in the walkway of the RP’s house. The neighbor also took a bell off the RP’s front door and moved it to a chair. An officer responded and took a report.
12:04pm A officer contacted a 39-YO man in the West Plaza parking lot on Healdsburg Avenue. The man was cited on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding trespassing.
1:42pm Fraud occurred at Dry Creek Inn on Dry Creek Road. The RP called to report that the hotel received a package with two Playstations valued at $1,018, but the person with the name on the package stated it was fraudulently ordered. An officer responded and resolved the issue.
3:29pm Reckless driving occurred at Redwood Highway on Dry Creek Road. When the driver exited the freeway, an officer made contact with the driver at Shelton’s Market and conducted field sobriety tests. A 74-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving.
3:39pm Vandalism to a vehicle occurred at Agave Mexican Restaurant on Vine Street. A family member yelled at the RP, called him the devil and threw a cup of hot chocolate in the RP’s Jeep. An officer responded and met with the RP. Then the officer attempted to contact the suspect at her residence. She knew officers were there but refused to answer the door.
Wednesday, Feb. 28
2:02am Threats occurred at Dry Creek Inn on Dry Creek Rd. The RP stated he received a death threat through the wall from the occupant in the next room. Officers responded but found the threat to be unfounded.
7:49am Vandalism to a vehicle occurred on West Grant Street. The RP stated three of her tires were slashed. Officers responded and took a report. A 57-YO woman was cited regarding a separate incident for negligently cutting, destroying, mutilating or removing plant material growing upon a state or county highway.
9:49am Vandalism to a vehicle occurred on West Grant Street. The RP suspected her neighbor cut the top of her convertible and poured tomato sauce, raw eggs and bags of trash inside the vehicle. Officers responded and arrested and transported to county jail the same 57-YO woman from the 7:49am incident above for vandalism.
10:20am Petty theft occurred at Safeway on Vine Street. The RP indicated her IPhone 10 was stolen out of her shopping cart along with credit cards and her drivers’ license. While the officer was on the scene, the items were located.
10:27am The RP indicated that his stolen Airpods were pinging at Starbucks Coffee on Vine Street. Officers responded and located the AirPods, and a 31-YO man who was cited for theft of lost property, violating probation, and on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding driving on a license suspended for DUI and drunk driving.
12:38pm A vehicle was stopped for driving without proof of registration, violating the seatbelt law and speeding on Redwood Highway at Arata Lane. A 46-YO man was cited and released for driving on a suspended license.
11:08pm A 57-YO man was cited and released at West Plaza Park on North Street for unauthorized diversion, tampering with, connection, reconnection or use of a utility, tampering with electrical poles and wires, polluting near a waterway and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Thursday, Feb. 29
6:55pm Vandalism to a vehicle occurred on West Grant Street. The RP stated she went to fill her gas tank when she noticed the knob was stuck and pushed all the way in. An officer responded and gave advice.
9:19pm Trespassing occurred at Healdsburg Regional Library on Piper Street. A person wrapped in a blanket was sleeping in front of the library. An officer arrived and the person moved along.
Friday, March 1
12:13pm A probation violation occurred on Matheson Street. The parents of a juvenile found a loaded gun in the child’s room. The child was taken into custody for being a felon in possession of a loaded firearm and child endangerment.
7:27pm A stolen vehicle was detected by the Flock vehicle license plate reader on Healdsburg Avenue at Kennedy Lane. The vehicle went into Windsor and a pursuit ensued by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.
Saturday, March 2
2:58pm A violation of a court order occurred at Fitch Mountain Terrace on South Fitch Mountain Road. A 50-YO woman violated an elder abuse restraining order when she went to the RP’s front door and knocked. She was arrested and brought to county jail for violating a restraining order, resisting arrest, possession of brass knuckles, and on an outstanding warrant regarding possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.
3:51pm The RP indicated that her mom at Fitch Mountain Terrace on South Fitch Mountain Road received mail from “Pacific West Builders” indicating it was a consumer insight satisfaction survey. Inside was a check in the amount of $3,750.15, and attached were steps to purchase $500 gifts cards and mail them back with a deposit slip. The mailing indicated that the victim would get to keep a certain amount. Dispatch advised the RP to contact the postal service and make a claim. The incident was documented.
3:58pm Grand theft occurred at Hardwear on Healdsburg Avenue. Two people took a large bundle of jackets from a rack outside the store and left in a vehicle. A report was taken.
4:55pm A person tried to get through the back door at Round Table Pizza on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded and made contact with the RP and checked the area, but the person was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
6:14pm The RP indicated that a vehicle did donuts near Healdsburg Avenue. Before officers had time to respond, the vehicle left the city limits. The information was logged.
Sunday, March 3
8:17am Petty theft occurred at Lola’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP indicated a suspect arrived in a truck and took around $300-$400 worth of items. Officers responded and took a report.
10:34am A warrant service officer cited and released a 27-YO man near 345 Healdsburg Avenue on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding driving without a license and illegal possession of marijuana.
11:07am Reckless driving occurred near Costeaux French Bakery on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP indicated that a vehicle drove through the crosswalk even though it was lit up for people to cross. The RP stated the vehicle almost hit her and another pedestrian. The incident was logged and information was passed on.
3:18pm Vandalism to a vehicle occurred on Fitch Street at Sherman Street. The RP indicated that juveniles threw rocks in the area the previous night, and the passenger window of his truck was damaged. An officer responded and took a report.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner