Monday, August 26
10:09am The Reporting Party (RP) indicated that his wallet was stolen out of his vehicle on Parkland Farms Boulevard at Quarry Ridge Court. The RP’s Wells Fargo card was used at several locations in Redding, including 76, Costco, Walmart, Arco and Shell. The RP contacted his bank, but did not want to press charges. The RP was advised to contact the DMV about his identification and follow up with his insurance company to see if his belongings would be covered.
7:39pm A 25-year-old (YO) man was cited and released near Exchange Bank on Vine Street on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
8:12pm A vehicle on Hwy 101 at Arata Lane was stopped for having an illegal license plate cover. A 30-YO man was cited and released on an outstanding Napa County warrant regarding driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol.
10:35pm The RP at Healdsburg Gas Mart on Healdsburg Avenue indicated that a woman went into the store and asked the RP to have sex with her in the bathroom. She was with a man in a vehicle. Officers responded and arrested a 28-YO woman for being under the influence of a controlled substance, public intoxication and violating probation. She was transported to county jail.
Tuesday, August 27
10:41am The RP on Front Street indicated that one of his bunnies was stolen from his yard. An officer responded and provided advice.
12:53pm The RP on Maxwell Street indicated that fraud occurred in one of his investment accounts. An officer responded and took a report.
3:23pm A vehicle was stopped on Hwy 101 at Lytton Springs Road for traveling at 50 mph on the freeway and weaving in and out of lanes. A 60-YO man was arrested for drunk driving and transported to county jail.
6:06pm The RP at Sonoma Millworks on Grove Street indicated that his employee locked herself in the business because a man was trying to enter the building. Officers responded and brought the man to a bus stop.
9:47pm A man who had been drinking caused a disturbance at Healdsburg Liquors on Center Street. Officers responded and advised the man not to return to the business.
Wednesday, August 28
12:28am A vehicle was stopped at Jerry’s Valero on Dry Creek Road for violating registration rules. A 37-YO woman was arrested for possession of methamphetamine, illegal possession of a controlled substance, and on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding welfare fraud and violating probation. She was transported to county jail.
3:15pm The RP indicated that domestic violence occurred on Saddle Draw on July 28. An officer responded to the suspect’s residence, but the suspect was gone on arrival and unable to be located. A card with the phone number for the police was left at the door and a report was taken.
5:13pm A vehicle was stopped on Hwy 101 at Westside Road for violating license plate rules. A 33-YO man was cited and released for driving with a suspended license and violating probation.
7:11pm The RP at Oak Grove Apartments on Grove Street indicated that four juveniles were driving and walking around the complex. Officers responded and contacted the subjects in a vehicle. A 20-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and being a minor in possession of alcohol.
Thursday, August 29
7:15am The RP on Hudson Street at Harmon Street indicated that construction trucks started beeping at 6:30am, but they were not allowed to start until 7:30am. The RP was advised to call when it happened again.
2:32pm An officer contacted a 44-YO man near Jon Wright Feed Store on Mill Street. He was cited on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding failure to appear in court, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine.
4:52pm The RP on Terrace Boulevard indicated that when she was purchasing tickets through Ticketmaster, she received information to make a payment through PayPal, but fraud occurred and she lost $395. The RP contacted her bank. The information was documented, and she was provided an incident number.
5:08pm The RP on Foss Creek Court at West Grant Street believed a 39-YO man evicted on Aug. 27 was breaking into the apartment. He was around the property throughout the day, and a window for the apartment was open. The RP believed the man had been drinking, and was willing to press charges and file trespassing paperwork. When officers responded the man was uncooperative and combative. He was arrested for resisting arrest, vandalism, being under the influence of a controlled substance and possession of a controlled substance. After medical clearance, he was transported to county jail.
Friday, August 30
11:54am The RP on Prince Avenue stated that her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend posted a video with the RP’s social security number (SSN) on Facebook. The RP was advised to flag her SSN at FTC.gov.
1:41pm The RP on Hudson Street said a man chased staff down the street in an attempt to speak to his girlfriend on the premises. The RP advised he then parked halfway up the road. Subsequently, the man left. The RP planned to call back if the man returned.
2:11pm A hotspot device from the Healdsburg Regional Library on Piper Street was stolen from the RP in February. The device was valued at $230. An incident number was provided.
Saturday, August 31
9:32am The RP reported that a driver of a vehicle near John & Zeke’s on Healdsburg Avenue was possibly drunk. The vehicle ran into curbs and almost ran a red light. When officers responded, the driver was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
9:38am Joyriding occurred on Johnson Street. The RP stated her vehicle was missing. FLOCK license plate readers indicated that the vehicle had not left Healdsburg. Officers located the vehicle, which had no damage. The vehicle was returned to the owner, and an officer took a report.
11:13am The RP at Safeway on Vine Street indicated two men were in an argument in front of the store. Both men solicited in the same area. An officer responded. The men separated.
11:53am Joyriding occurred on Johnson Street. The RP stated his vehicle, which was parked in front of his house, was missing. Flock license plate readers indicated that the vehicle had not left Healdsburg. Officers located the vehicle, which had no damage. The vehicle was returned to the owner, and an officer took a report.
4:15pm A stolen vehicle was recovered behind Safeway on Vine Street. The registered owner was contacted.
9:44pm A man was seen near John & Zeke’s on Healdsburg Avenue selling hot dogs without a permit. Officers gave advice about the situation.
Sunday, Sept. 1
2:08am A bike was stopped on Healdsburg Avenue at Alexander Valley Road for not driving in the right-hand lane. A 45-YO man was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine and possession of a leaded cane or baton.
12:32pm A vehicle was stopped on Grove Street for a probation check. A search was conducted and a 63-YO woman was cited for possession of methamphetamine and violating probation.
12:53pm The RP indicated multiple domestic violence incidents occurred at Healdsburg Corporation Yard on Westside Road. A 47-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for corporal injury to a spouse or cohabitant, false imprisonment, criminal threats, vandalism, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine and violating probation.
1:52pm Staff at River’s Edge Beach on Healdsburg Avenue stated a man parked his vehicle on the property to launch his boat. Staff advised the man he was not allowed to park on the premises and that he was trespassing. The man was verbally aggressive. While speaking with dispatch, the RP advised that the man left the premises.
9:33pm The RP indicated that a driver near the 7-Eleven on Healdsburg Avenue may be drunk. Officers responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner