Monday, April 15
12:39am A Reporting Party (RP) on Grove Street called to say he was hurt. Responding officers arrested a 19-year-old (YO) man for domestic violence, false imprisonment and damaging a communication device to prevent help. The man was taken to county jail.
12:22pm The RP on Foss Creek Circle indicated he was locked out of his computer due to attempted fraud. He realized he was being scammed when he was asked to withdraw funds from his bank. The scammer threatened to show up at his residence if funds were not given over. The RP was advised not to withdraw funds, to notify his bank regarding the possibility of fraud, to put a fraud alert on his credit report and to contact FTC.gov.
12:33pm An officer cited and released a 48-YO man in the West Plaza Parking Lot on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding possession of methamphetamine.
1:41pm An officer cited and released a 25-YO man at Rotten Robbie on Healdsburg Avenue for possession of a controlled substance without a current and valid prescription from a health care provider, possession of drug paraphernalia and violation of probation.
3:06pm Grand theft was reported having occurred on Matheson Street on April 10 between 9-10pm. The RP stated a man stole the RP’s bicycle, valued upwards of $5,000, off his front porch. An officer responded and took a report.
11:53pm Graffiti was reported at Railroad Park on Front Street.
11:57pm Cybercrime occurred at Safeway on Vine Street. The RP claimed to be locked out of all his devices. He believed that the new boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend hacked the RP’s devices and accounts. He saw on the screen actions happening that he was not doing. His phone storage went “up by terabytes,” and he believed that the hacker exported and imported data. The RP did not want any law enforcement response nor medical services. He only wanted the incident logged.
Tuesday, April 16
12:07am Graffiti reported at Railroad Depot on Harmon Street.
6:43am A protest occurred at General Dynamics on Grove Street. The RP received information from his employees about several protesters outside the business, blocking the driveway. Multiple people from the area also called indicating they were upset about the noise level.
Another RP stated protesters blocked the roadway preventing him from being able to get to work. Another RP stated protestors blocked the entrance into the business. Officers responded and remained on scene for the duration of the protest.
11:08am A 48-YO man was cited and released at the Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding driving on a suspended license and driving without insurance.
3:25pm An officer advised a person with an open container of alcohol to move along from the West Plaza Parking Lot.
3:39pm An officer cited and released a 39-YO man on Exchange Avenue at Adeline Way for violating probation.
Wednesday, April 17
7:20am The RP indicated that a man had dogs off-leash on the property of Fitch Mountain Terrace I on South Fitch Mountain Road. The RP believed the dogs would potentially kill another cat or dog on the property. The RP stated the subject had been told by residents to stay off the property, but no formal trespass letter was in place. While on the phone with dispatch, the RP stated she believed the man left. The RP was advised to call back if the subject returned.
10:27am Fraud occurred on Grant Street. The RP stated that on April 16, 2024, a company by the name of “E-Tickets” asked for her credit card and driver’s license. The RP provided the information and then realized the company was not a valid company. The RP canceled her credit card and had charges reversed, but she remained concerned about the company having her driver’s license number. An officer responded and provided advice.
2:51pm An officer contacted a 25-YO man at The Parish Cafe on Mill Street. The man was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia, violating probation and on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding trespassing.
3:25pm A 63-YO woman was contacted by an officer in the West Plaza Parking Lot on Healdsburg Avenue. She was cited for violation of probation, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine.
6:56pm A vehicle was stopped on Kennedy Lane because the subject was known to be driving with a suspended license. A 21-YO man was cited for driving with a suspended license and on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding driving with a suspended license.
7:18pm A female reported a sexual assault had occurred a few days earlier on the trail behind Carson Warner Skate Park on Grove Street. The victim had physical injuries and reported the assault to the Emergency Room. She knew the suspect and identified him. The victim wanted the man prosecuted and indicated that he had a firearm at the time of the incident.
The following day, on April 18, a 43-YO man was arrested at the encampment on Magnolia Drive at Kinley Drive for oral copulation by use of force, false imprisonment, battery with serious bodily injury and sexual battery by restraint. The man was transported to county jail. (See the article “Crimes on Foss Creek Pathway” in the April 25 issue.)
8:17pm A domestic dispute occurred on Johnson Street. The RP indicated that a 57-YO woman put her hands on the RP while the RP was on the ground. Officers responded and arrested the woman for domestic battery and transported her to county jail. An emergency protective order was requested, granted and entered.
10:06pm Public intoxication occurred at the West Plaza Parking Lot on Healdsburg Avenue. A drunk man not wearing a shirt was throwing bicycles. Officers responded, but the man was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
Thursday, April 18
9:38am Fraud occurred on Pozzan Road. The RP received an alert on his phone from someone stating they were from the FTC.gov. The RP called the number and the people answering the call confirmed the RP’s personal information with him. They advised him to transfer $18,000 via wire. The RP transferred $18,000 before realizing it was a scam. The RP was provided with the incident number, the federal website IC3.gov and told to contact the credit bureau to put a fraud alert on his credit.
11:49am A man refused to get off the bus at Safeway on Vine Street after boarding the bus at approximately 9am. An officer responded and transported the person to Healdsburg General Hospital.
2:36pm Petty theft occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP stated a man took $26.96 worth of merchandise and a woman took merchandise worth $130.45. The RP wanted to press charges. An officer responded and took a report.
4:01pm The Flock license plate reader alerted police to a suspect vehicle. Officers located the vehicle on Healdsburg Avenue at Exchange Avenue. A 58-YO man was arrested and brought to county jail for possession of drug paraphernalia, unlawful possession of a controlled substance, possession of methamphetamine and an outstanding out of county warrant regarding possession of a controlled substance, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
6:18pm A battery occurred at Healdsburg High School (HHS) on Prince Avenue. A Kaiser nurse reported that a 15-YO was jumped by another juvenile at HHS. The victim was pinned to the ground and punched. He had a contusion to his eye and multiple scratches. The RP stated the victim believed the suspect had gang affiliations. The mother of the victim did not want to press charges. (An officer responded to HHS on April 19 and handled the situation at the administration level at the school.)
11:19pm The RP indicated she was thrown to the ground on Plaza Street. Officers responded and the woman was transported to Healdsburg District Hospital. A report was taken.
Friday, April 19
8:15pm The RP at Rotten Robbie on Healdsburg Avenue indicated the RP received approximately six phone calls to the business landline threatening assault, as well as a threat to find the RP’s location and employer. The RP believed it was possibly a prank. An officer responded, spoke with the RP and determined there was no credible threat.
Saturday, April 20
7:07am Trespassing occurred at Hotel Healdsburg on Matheson Street. A woman was in the elevator and refused to leave. The RP stated the woman arrived at the hotel almost every other night. Officers responded, advised the woman to leave the property and verbally trespassed her from the property.
12:59pm A vehicle reported stolen in Healdsburg was located by the Pittsburg (Calif.) Police Department. The vehicle was recovered, and Healdsburg Police took a report.
3:23pm Officers stopped a vehicle near Silveira Buick GMC on Healdsburg Avenue for speeding and unsafe lane changes. A 44-YO man was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia.
4:32pm The RP indicated a reckless driver almost hit her at the 7-Eleven on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP made contact with the driver at Tip Top Liquor. The RP stated the woman almost hit her again in the parking lot while trying to get away from the RP. The RP believed the driver may have been intoxicated. The RP did not provide the license plate and wanted the incident documented.
11:34pm A driver was stopped near Big O Tires on Healdsburg Avenue for driving without proof of registration. A 28-YO man was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia.
Sunday, April 21
1:28am A trespassing woman entered Hotel Healdsburg on Matheson Street and took the elevator. The RP stated she was the same woman who was trespassed from the property on April 20, 2024. Officers responded. The woman left the property while the officers were en route.The RP was advised to call back if the woman returned. The woman returned at 2:21am. Officers responded, but while en route, she left again out of the north facing door toward the alley. The woman was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
8:15am Petty theft occurred on Marigold Way. The RP indicated a bike valued at $600 was stolen from his property. An officer responded and took a report.
8:37am Vandalism involving a smashed window occurred at Tisza Restaurant on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded and took a report.
10:27pm Assault with a deadly weapon occurred on the walking path behind Carson Warner Skate Park on Grove Street. The RP was stabbed in the back. Healdsburg officers, medical help and fire personnel responded. A second victim was later located. Both victims were transported to the hospital. A report was taken.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner