55 F
February 24, 2025

Sebastopol Police Logs, July 26 – August 1

The following are crimes excerpted from Sebastopol Police Department daily crime log entries and listed at the time the alleged violation was reported.

Sebastopol Police Logs, July 19-25

The following are crimes excerpted from Sebastopol Police Department daily crime log entries and listed at the time the alleged violation was reported.

Sebastopol Police Logs, July 5-18

The following are crimes excerpted from Sebastopol Police Department daily crime log entries and listed at the time the alleged violation was reported.

Faces of West County: Marilyn Read

I’ve been running into Marilyn Read for years. We first met at Memorial Hospice where we both worked as nurses. Then I’d see Marilyn every summer up at the Kate Wolf festival where she would be hanging out with her banjo and her Love Choir community. Later, as a ukulele instructor at the Sebastopol Cultural Center, she got my wife hooked on the thing. 

Sebastopol Police Logs, June 28-July 5

The following are crimes excerpted from Sebastopol Police Department daily crime log entries and listed at the time the alleged violation was reported.

Sebastopol Police Logs, June 21-27

The following are excerpted from Sebastopol Police Department daily crime log entries and listed at the time the alleged violation was reported.

Faces of West County: Charles Uerling

I took Rosie, our usually sweet black lab/pointer out for a walk the other day. Passing the CVS, there was an older gentleman sitting on the ground near the entrance. Rosie went right up to him, and the two really hit it off. The man had a sign about having been recently evicted from his home and was reaching out for some sort of assistance.

Sebastopol Police Logs, June 14-20

The following are excerpted from Sebastopol Police Department daily crime log entries and listed at the time the alleged violation was reported.

Sebastopol Police Logs, June 7-13

The following are excerpted from Sebastopol Police Department daily crime log entries and listed at the time the alleged violation was reported.

Faces of West County: Jon Gonzales

There is a word in Yiddish, (a Jewish language that is part Hebrew, part German, part other eastern European influences) that sums up Jon Gonzales. He’s a mensch. 