A student art project of sorts was just unveiled this week at Healdsburg High. It’s called a “peace pole,” and it’s the latest of around 250,000 similar monuments that have been erected across the country, according to the Peace Pole Project website. Here’s some more info on our local version, courtesy of the Healdsburg Rotary Club: “Healdsburg Noon and Sunrise Rotary announced the dedication of the Veterans for Peace ‘Peace Pole’ inaugurated on the campus of Healdsburg High School on June 5th. The Peace Pole is a 4″ by 4”, 8′ tall pole inscribed with ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ in 8 languages determined by students. The pole was created and installed by a non-profit organization, Veterans for Peace. Veterans for Peace, Rotary, and the Healdsburg High School Interact Club share the same goal with this project, to promote interracial, cross-cultural harmony by creating a message of peace. Languages selected by the students include, English, Spanish, Chinese, Pomo, Hebrew, Arabic, Ukrainian and Hindi. Healdsburg High student and Interact Club member Julian Johannsen Giuffre explained the significances of the languages while Veterans for Peace chair and Vietnam War Veteran, Fred Ptucha led the crowd in a peace pledge. ‘I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way. I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day. I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands. I pledge to respect people in each and every land. I pledge to join together as we unite big and small. I pledge to create peace for one and all.’ The pole will remain on the campus to inspire students for years to come.” (Source: Peace Pole Project)

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Simone Wilson was born and raised in Healdsburg, CA, where she was the editor of the Healdsburg High School Hound's Bark. She has since worked as a local journalist for publications in San Diego, Los Angeles, New York City and the Middle East. Simone is now a senior product manager and staff writer for the Healdsburg Tribune.


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