Top reasons that you need to exercise for the sake of your kids and tips about how to make it happen
When it comes to parenting, most people are aware of the “leading by example” concept and its importance. Leading by example and exercising with kids while young will make them more likely to keep exercising as adults, therefore living a healthier life.
If that’s not compelling enough, there are other reasons that should be on your mind.
Doing fun activities with them like exercise helps to strengthen your rapport with them.
It teaches them resiliency. It isn’t always easy to stay on track with exercise and there are always challenges that come up. By you staying on track or getting back on track when the realities of life pull you off course, it helps to instill resiliency and determination in your children, which they will need in life too.
Sometimes working out is hard and you have to use mind over matter to push through. Life is hard too, so it’s an example of pushing through to reach your goals even though it may seem easier to give up. Persistence and perseverance.
Exercising with kids shows them that you’re committed to making health a priority.
Exercising with kids can help them learn to value themselves. You’re teaching your children to value themselves, take care of themselves and make health a priority as you are doing.
Exercise encourages positive self image (make sure to have a positive attitude about exercising and doing it more for overall health, stress relief etc. Avoid negative terms/attitudes about yourself or exercise).
Children copy what they see; if they see you active, they’ll be active. If they hear you talking negatively about yourself, they will talk negatively about themselves.
Your kids may not know it now, but when they grow up, they want healthy parents who can still spend time with them and play with grandchildren.
In addition to emotional reasons, there are all the physiological reasons too. By exercising and increasing endorphins, you’ll reduce stress which can help you be more present when you’re with family.
Parenting is incredibly strenuous. Carrying babies, loading fighting toddlers into car seats, getting up and down off the floor to play — all these activities require a healthy body with good body mechanics. A strong core protects your back, which will allow you to play without pain and to enjoy the moments. Exercise keeps your heart healthy, and heart disease is the number-one killer in our country. You have to be around to be a good parent.
Now how do you make it happen? Tips from experts on how parents can get their workouts in this summer while kids are out of school:
Take them with you. Hit the pool, walk to the park, kick a soccer ball, play a game of tag. Children love to move, get moving with them.
Multi-task. Instead of sitting on the sidelines watching your kid practice, walk around the field. When you’re in the car, engage your core and pull your shoulders down and back.
Make it a game. Cue up a dance video game, or pull up a YouTube tutorial and groove with your kids.
Walking errands. If an errand is within a mile from your house, leave the car and get moving. Head to the library with your kids, or walk to the square for lunch.
LC Arisman is the Parkpoint Health Club Health Navigator and Personal Trainer and Heidi Desmond is the Marketing and Operations Manager for Parkpoint Health Clubs. Both Heidi and LC are mothers.

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