Newly elected board president Judy Velasquez will preside over a full agenda at the first Healdsburg Unified School District Board of Trustees meeting of 2018.
The meeting will kick off with some of the district’s younger students receiving recognition, with elementary kids who have successfully become English proficient being celebrated and a Kindergarten project, Healdsburg’s Helping Hands, receiving accolades.
The first discussion item will explore the possibility of Windsor’s famed Big Picture/North Bay Met Academy providing services for Healdsburg’s alternative high school students.
There will be several items relating to updating the board on bond construction and the completion of several previous projects, as well as a change order for windows at the elementary school. Elementary principals Erika McGuire and Stephanie Feith will be presenting a report on the benchmarks in English Language Arts and Math for their respective programs.
Director of Curriculum and Instruction Erin Fender will present to the board on the states’ new tool, the data dashboard, whose initial launch last year had a few glitches.
New high school course in math and child growth and development will be up for approval by the board and a resolution recognizing National School Counseling Week will be presented.
Finally, both the findings of and corrected action for, the audit for 2016-2017 will be discussed.
The calendar for the 2018-2019 school year will be presented for board approval
The next meeting of the Healdsburg Unified School District Board of Trustees is Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 6 p.m. at Healdsburg City Hall, 401 Grove Street.

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