72.5 F
September 7, 2024

The devil is in the details

I have read the commentaries of candidates for the City Council with great interest. It is obvious to me that some of the candidates have really done their homework to learn the issues through the media, from members of the City Council and the City staff. Every candidate was encouraged to meet with City staff which included the City Manager, City Attorney and department heads. Most chose to, a couple did not. Their commentaries reflect that.


As members of the Fitch Mountain Association we recently received two emails from the association’s current secretary Ellen Silge regarding the recent tree and brush removal along North and South Fitch Mountain Road. She refers to the work as a “Roadside Slaughter.” She continues that Laura Tietz of Fire Free Fitch “is close to learning the identity of the PG&E person responsible” and “turning the inmate crew loose on Fitch Mt. Road.” Silge also said that “She (Tietz) has a meeting tomorrow (2/23) in Mike McGuire’s office with county officials who are interested in making the roads on the mountain safer and she’ll bring up this problem, as well as following through with PG&E executives and Cal-Fire. Silge finishes with a request from any property owner who feels that they suffered property damage caused by “the slaughter in progress or aftermath images.”


Domestic violence continues to thrive in our local communities

Only 12 months to go

Fasten your seatbelts. This week marks the official start of Election Year 2016, culminating next Nov. 8 with the election of a new U.S. President and Congress. Dozens of local elections also will be decided, along with the usual flash mob of statewide propositions.

A riparian contrarian

The big mystery about the exciting new Russian River riparian setback rules is whether anyone really has a clue how they’ll work.

Save Sonoma Compost

Here in Sonoma County we take our carbon footprint very seriously. Together as residents, businesses and local governments we have done much to lower our energy use, resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. We have been repeatedly recognized as conservation and sustainability leaders across the country.

Way to know

Oct. 2-8 is being celebrated as National Newspaper Week. This is the 76th annual observance dating to 1940, covering a span of time that has included great changes to the business of newspapers, as well as throughout our society.

New trade deal creates uncertainty for farmers

Lack of water availability for our state’s farmers due to the drought is creating unprecedented challenges for winegrowers and all growers across the state. The recently finalized trade pact, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will make the future of farming in our state even more uncertain.

The future of local news is digital — the future is now

When I first came to Healdsburg in 1981, I visited the Tribune offices to buy a subscription to my new hometown’s paper. By coincidence, they were looking for a new sports editor and I was hired on the spot.

A modest investment

Healdsburg voters will be asked in the Nov. 6 election to increase the city’s sales tax a half percent “to stabilize city finances, offset declining revenues and the loss of redevelopment funds.” Measure V is unanimously supported by the current five city council members and has been endorsed by the Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce directors and the Healdsburg Unified School District trustees.