72.5 F
September 7, 2024

Windsor Dems explore how to obtain healthcare for all

On Thursday, Feb. 27, from 7 to 9 pm, at Windsor Round Table Pizza, two local health professionals, members of HPEACE (Health Professionals for Equality And Community Empowerment) will present “Getting to Healthcare for All” to the Windsor Democratic Club.

But I Digress . . . In Search Of

Integrity. That’s a tough one. Hard to define, but easy to see in others. And even easier to not see in others … to see not in others … others not to see in. Whatever.

Someday We’ll Laugh About This . . . Right? Siblings, the first friends of our childhoods

We recently celebrated the life of one of my husband’s uncles, with a lovely family gathering held at Matt’s dad’s house.

From the Library

Happy February from the Healdsburg Library. As always, the library is hopping with activity. We try to offer a variety of events appealing to people of all ages. Let us know if you have other ideas of what you might like.

Faith: A modern, circuit-riding pastor shepherds two Lutheran churches in Sonoma County

In the early years of the United States, small groups of Christian believers were widely scattered in rural areas. This led to the need for itinerant pastors, known as “circuit riders,” who rode horseback from one small community to another to preach the gospel, minister to settlers and organize congregations.

Summer school

It’s a little early to write one of those “How I spent my summer” essays but there’s nothing wrong with getting a head start on a writing assignment. Besides, the choices and experiences for the short months between school years — for youth, teachers and all others — have multiplied and morphed since the lazier days of summer lifeguards, pumping gas or washing cars.

Flashbacks for Sept. 5

Resort Entrance
The docents of the Healdsburg Museum dig into back issues of The Healdsburg Tribune to find stories from 50, 75 and 100 years ago...

Friendship not fear: Standing up against hate

An alarming wave of Islamophobia is sweeping our nation. It has taken the form of hate crimes, profiling and verbal attacks. Increasingly inflammatory political rhetoric has included calls for internment camps and halting the resettlement of Muslim refugees who are fleeing war and terror.

Cannabis Country: Grow your own?

If you grow tomatoes, consider growing marijuana. Skill is required, but it’s not rocket science. The legal limit varies from city to city. It’s best to check with the authorities, or go to sonomacounty.ca.gov/Cannabis/Personal-Use-and-Cultivation/ for information. The site states that, “Permits are not required for personal cultivation” on land outside city limits.

From the wine library

The support group for the Sonoma County Wine Library, the Wine