Following a contest to choose a new mascot for the library by voting on which of three critters would best represent the library and help promote library services and literacy, the Sonoma County Library has announced the winner as Otto the Otter.
“A few weeks ago, Sonoma County voted and chose the North American river otter as (the new library) mascot. Recently, library staff voted on a name for the critter and Otto the Otter splashed onto the page,” said the announcement from the library. “You otter keep an eye out for Otto. You can expect to see this cutie on our paper and digital materials, and he may even make an appearance on some library giveaway goodies.”
The statement went on to point out the excellent timeliness of the choice as May 26 is World Otter Day. 
“Why the otter? The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) is a semiaquatic mammal native to the North American continent. These critters can be found in and along Sonoma County waterways and coasts,” concluded the statement.
The two other options were the Sonoma Chipmunk (Tamias sonomae), native to Sonoma and Marin counties and known for being shy and difficult to spot and the California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense), an amphibian in the family Ambystomatidae, that is endangered in Sonoma County but can still be spotted if you know where to look.
Otto will be making his debut immediately at all library branches.

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