The Raven Performing Arts Theater hosted its most profitable Mr.
Healdsburg Pageant to date last Saturday raising nearly $18,000
that will cover more than a month of the community theater’s
overhead costs.
The eighth annual spoof beauty pageant featured local Healdsburg
contestants who appeared on stage with multiple costume changes,
skits, dance moves and answers to questions that they hoped would
help crown them Mr. Healdsburg for 2011.
The evening ended with a farewell to Mr. Healdsburg 2010,
Michael Bairdsmith and a passing of the crown to Mr. Healdsburg
2011 Tejpal Sekhon, stage name Mr. Token.
“For me personally, the show hit a new high in several ways,”
said Carol Noack, director at the Raven. “The contestants were all
really into it and did a lot to promote the show. All of the
contestants worked hard to create their stage personas, and even
helped each other brainstorm ideas. That relationship-building and
camaraderie is a big joy for me.”
Crowds of people armed with signs decorated in support of their
favorite contestant filled the theater to watch the sold-out show.
Excitement poured through the liquor lines as people stood waiting
for drinks donated by local wineries deLormier and Matrix and Bear
Republic Brewing Company beer.
Contestant costumes included circus stilts, feathered
headdresses, and superhero spandex. The men performed their best
magic tricks, jokes, songs and even a live cooking demo as part of
the talent portion.
“Talent-wise, I couldn’t have asked for a more diverse bunch:
Scott’s very personal story, Tej and Jim’s custom song lyrics,
Matt’s chicken marsala cooking demo in three minutes flat, Jeff’s
workout -and he was very ill, poor guy- Michael’s tablecloth stunt,
Doug’s irascible wit, and Matt’s stilt-walking, which lead our
Executive Director scrambling to check our insurance coverage,”
said Noack.
Community judges, including Healdsburg’s new Chamber of Commerce
CEO Mo McElroy and City Councilmember Susan Jones, along with
audience votes came to the final conclusion of which man would be
crowned. Audience members participated in a cheering meter for
their favorite candidate and dropped money into contestant voting
boxes at intermission.
“My only disappointment was hearing boos from some audience
members. That has only happened one other year,” said Noack. “These
guys are going way out of their comfort-zone to create some fun for
the audience and support the Raven, and it’s really hard on them
when they’re repaid with boos from people who are there to support
other contestants. It’s a low blow and the guys didn’t deserve
Fortunately, the majority of the audience was in good spirits
that evening and many who have participated in the event in the
past said that it was another good year.
“The Raven is all about bringing the community together, and the
Pageant most definitely offers up fun for a wide swath of our
community. That warm fuzzy kinship vibe is what makes some people
wish they lived in Healdsburg and makes the rest of us glad we do,”
said Noack.
Staff Writer Robin Hug can be reached at



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