If you know my family, you know we love to go to yard sales and flea markets. Some time ago we found an old brass plaque at a sale. It is titled “The Farmers Arms” and it has a poem below. Embossed in the brass is a man and a woman churning butter and working in the fields. It has a coat of arms with many of the symbols I recognize from being a Windsor Grange member and below a banner that says, “In God is our trust.”

I thought it would be appropriate to share with you its words, because the Windsor Farmers’ Market is opening this Sunday (April 8) for the 2018 season. Our local farmers, food producers and artists are excited to share with you all of the wonderful things they have been growing, making and building.
The Farmers Arms
Let the Wealthy & Great,
Roll-in Splendour and State.
I envy them not I declare it;
I eat my own Lamb,
My Chickens and Ham.
I shear my own fleece & I wear it
I have lawns I have Bow’rs
I have fruit, I have flowrs
The lark is my morning Alarmer,
So Jolly boys now
Here’s God Speed the Plough,
Long Life & Success to the farmer.
It’s crucial to keep reminding ourselves how important it is to buy locally. These local farmers, chefs, crafters and artists are digging in the dirt and hand making beautiful food for you to take home to your families. They do it because they love it and they want our community to eat real food and feel healthy.
Here are the top 10 reasons why it is important to buy at your Windsor Farmers’ Market this season.
1. It strengthens your local economy
2. Reduces auto emissions to help save our climate
3. Supports community groups
4. Keeps Windsor unique
5. Creates more good jobs
6. You get better personal service
7. Reduces allergies with local produce
8. You buy what you need with no marketing hype
9. Puts taxes right back into your community
10. Because it’s good for you and it makes Windsor a fun place to live
We are hoping you will make an effort every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to come down to the Windsor Farmers’ Market on the Windsor Town Green. Gather and talk with friends, share breakfast with your grandkids and take home a basket full of the healthiest freshest produce you can buy.
And, you bought it from the person who grew it directly; zero middle man, zero transportation. Another thing to know is that buying at the market is not more expensive; that is an urban myth. Become a regular at the market and you will learn why. More to come on that subject.
See you in the aisles at the Windsor Farmers’ Market, come see who and what is new. Visit us at Windsorfarmersmarket.com.
Tina Castelli is the manager of the Windsor Certified Farmers’ Market.

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