It will be a varied agenda at the March 3 meeting of the Windsor Town Council. The meeting will kick off with a presentation from Police Chief Ruben Martinez on loud car noise, and after the consent calendar, will jump to regular calendar items.
The first item up will ratify a professional services agreement with Gates + Associates for the Keiser Park Master Plan Update and preliminary site designs for the future development of Keiser Park. The initial agreement will be for an amount not to exceed $273,570 and will allow the town manager to approve amendments up to 20% of the original contract amount.
The council will also be discussing providing direction to staff on whether staff should prepare a resolution adopting a veterans’ preference system related to hiring, or conversely to adopt a resolution identifying reasons it does not want to implement a veterans’ preference system. It appears that this decision should have been made some time ago (back in 2002) but for whatever reason no decision had been made and staff is looking to rectify that, following a recent questions from the public
There will also be a discussion on amendments to the Sewer Use Ordinance, paired with a resolution adopting Windsor Local Limits Evaluation. According to the board packet, Local Limits are site-specific discharge limitations applied to non-residential wastewater dischargers and are designed to address the specific needs and water quality concerns of a publicly owned treatment works (POTW), its sludge, and receiving waters. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends periodically reviewing these local limits to ensure they are appropriate and protective. The town of Windsor adopted its current Local Limits along with significant updates to the Sewer User Ordinance in July 2010.
According to the agenda, over the last 10 years, the town has seen an increase in non-residential wastewater dischargers, particularly in the food and beverage manufacturing sector. In addition, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board recently issued the Windsor Water District a new wastewater discharge permit under Order No. R1-2020-0010, which contains discharge limitations for the wastewater plant. While the town’s Water Reclamation Facility has been performing at, or above, current expectations, the combination of an increasing number of dischargers and more stringent permit limitations make an evaluation and revision to the existing Local Limits necessary to ensure ongoing compliance with its permit.
On May 6, 2020, the town council authorized Woodard & Curran, Inc. to prepare a Local Limits evaluation in coordination with staff. Based on the Local Limits Evaluation findings, staff recommends revisions to the existing Local Limits in accordance with the Federal Pretreatment Regulations and consistent with the Water Reclamation Facility NPDES permit and EPA guidelines.
Based on the evaluation it was determined that a majority of the existing Local Limits were appropriate and did not require revision; however revised limitations for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), ammonia and phosphorus was recommended because it was determined that existing limits were too high to be sufficiently protective of the wastewater treatment process and/or could result in unauthorized discharge.
It is currently anticipated that there will be no negative fiscal impact on the town or its businesses using the municipal sewer system as a result of this action.
The meeting will wrap up with a concept review for a potential second drive-thru lane at the McDonald’s in Windsor. 
To provide public comment, submit them via email to the council by 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting: [email protected]. 
Members of the public can participate in the meeting by visiting: or by dialing 877-853-5247 and
Enter Webinar ID: 962 8840 0794
The meeting will be live streamed at:
The meeting can also be viewed on Comcast Channel 27
and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. 

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