43.3 F
March 13, 2025

City Faces Suit Over Brown Act, Election Violations

Healdsburg City Hall
Retired attorney Jon Eisenberg filed civil suit against the City of Healdsburg, charging multiple Brown Act violations in two recent cases that demonstrate what he calls “a pattern of misbehavior that is deeply embedded in the culture of Healdsburg’s city government…” His action focused on what he called the “tainted decision making” in the effort to get Measure O on the ballot and the campaign to get it passed; and the transition to district elections now underway.

Riverkeeper Recruits to Meet Challenges

Offices of Russian Riverkeeper, Healdsburg
Sharp-eyed motorists have noticed a name change on a long white office building on Healdsburg Avenue, just a quick stroll away from the Quail and Condor bakery. The colors are still blue and white but the Bright Event Rentals sign is gone, and in its place the bold letters proclaim Russian Riverkeeper, now in its umpteenth home in Healdsburg, and still ready to Save the River.

Police Log, Jan. 20-26

Potholes on March Avenue
Crimes & Concerns Reported to Healdsburg Police, Jan. 20-26. Residents and others are encouraged to call Police Dispatch as needed at (707) 431-3377, operational 24/7.

City’s New ‘Active Transportation Plan’ Charts Greener Path

Larry Zimmer
Healdsburg last week added an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to its library of planning documents that outline future projects and growth in the city, after more than a year’s study, conversation and preparation. The final plan ATP was presented by Public Works Director Larry Zimmer and Senior Project Manager Michael Harrigan to the City Council on Jan. 21...

Police Log, Jan. 13-19

Monday, Jan. 13 • 7:33am: The Reporting Party (RP) on Prune Tree Drive indicated his car was stolen. One key was in the car and another key was in his house. Officers responded and looked for the vehicle.  The vehicle was entered into the stolen vehicle system. Subsequently, the license plates were removed and replaced with stolen license plates. The vehicle was later recovered by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office on Hwy 101 at the Central off-ramp. The vehicle was towed and the RP was notified.

Meet Mella, Stella’s Identical Pup

Mama dog Stella and clone Mella
Now when most winemakers talk about “clones,” they’re talking about varietals selected for specific qualities, such as flavor, color or intensity. The Dijon clones of pinot noir or chardonnay are well known; but the canine clone of a winery dog is a new thing entirely.

The City in Colors: Building Coalitions, Drawing Districts

Liz Stitt of Redistricting Partners speaks
As of Jan. 13, the DistrictR tool was live and functional, and anyone can draw up a city map of four, five or six districts, with the five-district model the only option for a rotating mayor, as Healdsburg has at present. Various tools are located in the upper right corner, as is common in such applications—a hand tool to move the map, a pen tool to select a district and color it, an eraser tool to fall back on. Residents have another three weeks to work with the mapping tool....

Police Log, Jan. 6 – 12, 2025

Healdsburg Police
At 12:25pm, petty theft occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. A man stole a sandwich worth $10.74. An officer responded, spoke to the RP and subsequently contacted the suspect at his residence. The theft may have been accidental, and the suspect went back to the store to settle his tab.

Federal BIA Greenlights Windsor Casino

Aerial Shiloh resort and casino rener
Koi leaders asked that around 70 acres of vineyard land they own along the southeastern edge of Windsor be placed in “federal trust”—and the Bureau obliged. This means the Koi are allowed to move forward with their plan to build a giant new Wine Country casino on the plot...

Housing Market Shows Sharp Divide

What makes Healdsburg’s market particularly unique is the continued dominance of non-primary residence purchases. In 2024, 61% of all purchases were for second homes or investment properties, with rural properties showing an even higher rate at 76%. This tracks with 2023 when 64% of properties were purchased as non-primary residences, writes a local realtor.