39.6 F
March 10, 2025

Healdsburg Police Log, May 29-June 4

Monday, May 29 2:07am. Disturbance on Second St. Report of a male and female yelling at each other. Subjects are associated with a black BMW SUV. Officer responded. Subjects had gotten into a verbal argument with another male who had already left the area.  10:35am. Petty...

Healdsburg Police Log, May 22-28

Police cars behind Healdsburg station
Monday, May 22 5:33am. Stolen Vehicle on March Ave. RP (Reporting Party) called to say that his vehicle was stolen. He states that he parked the vehicle yesterday afternoon, and when he woke up to go to work this morning the vehicle was gone. RP...

Healdsburg Police Log

Monday, May 15 7:01am. Grand theft at Syar Industries on Healdsburg Ave. Reporting Party (RP) is chasing a subject who “just stole a bunch of copper from the plant.” Estimated value: $30,000. Suspect described as an adult male wearing a COVID mask, black sweater and...

Police Log

Monday, May 8 8:23am. Officer-initiated activity at Wicked Slush, Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. A 25-year-old man was arrested for “assault with a deadly weapon“ and transported to Sonoma County Jail for an incident on May 7. 11:06am. Battery reported at Railroad Park on Front St. Reporting Party...

Healdsburg Police Log May 1-7

Monday, May 1 2:20am. Accident occurred at Redwood Hwy./Westside Rd. Officers responded and located the accident. CHP on scene.  11:58am. Petty theft at Big John's Market on Healdsburg Ave. Subject put a bottle of alcohol in his pocket and is walking around the store. Subject described...

Healdsburg Police Log April 24-30

Monday, April 24 3:59pm. Weapon violation occurred at Healdsburg Junior High School on Grant St. Student brought pocket knife to school and flashed it at victim. School notified mother of victim, who has handled the discipline in house.  5:12pm. Grand Theft occurred at Healdsburg Glen Apartments...

Healdsburg Police Log April 16-23

Sunday, April 16 1:31am. Officer-initiated activity at Redwood Hwy/Old Redwood Hwy, a vehicle stopped for invalid registration led to the arrest of a 26-year-old man for driving under the influence with a blood count of 0.08 or higher, and felony and misdemeanor probation violations. Suspect...

Healdsburg Police Log April 9-15

Sunday, April 9 6:17am. Disturbance at Healdsburg District Hospital Emergency Room. Reporting Party (RP) is requesting assistance with an unstable patient. Dispatch could hear disruptive words in background. RP believes she will become combative. Officers responded; the patient was sedated. 8:40am. Disturbance at Safeway on Vine...

Healdsburg Police Log April 2-8

Sunday, April 2 12:25am. Burglary on East St. Reporting Party (RP) states she woke up to a female inside her house, unknown if she is still inside. RP sees 2 females walking in front of the house. “RP states people live above her house. The...

Healdsburg Police Log March 26-April 1

Sunday, March 26 11:45am. Report of a subject in front of the Big John's Market entrance that RP (Reporting Party) states last night shoplifted $12-13 worth of food, and they do want to press charges. A 39-year-old male was cited for petty theft and panhandling...