Police Log Aug. 26 – Sept. 1
The RP at Healdsburg Gas Mart on Healdsburg Avenue indicated that a woman went into the store and asked the RP to have sex with her in the bathroom. She was with a man in a vehicle. Officers responded and arrested a 28-YO woman for being under the influence of a controlled substance, public intoxication and violating probation. She was transported to county jail.
Police Log, Aug. 19 – 25
A probation check was conducted at Carson Warner Skate Park on Grove Street. A 25-Year-Old (YO) man was cited for possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, depositing debris near water, trespassing on posted property and violating probation. And that was just Monday, Aug. 19...
Police Log, Aug. 12 – 18
Monday, August 12
11:55am The Reporting Party (RP) believed a person stole her iPhone 14 while she was at River Rock Casino. She stated the phone was taken on Aug. 10, and did not realize it was gone till Aug. 12. The RP pinged the...
Police Log, Aug. 5-11
Monday, August 5
12:04pm A 26-year-old (YO) man was stopped on a bicycle near Circle K on Healdsburg Avenue for failing to obey a traffic signal and failing to signal before turning. He was arrested and transported to county jail for burglary, theft or misappropriation...
Police Log, July 29-Aug. 4
Crimes and concerns reported to Healdsburg Police during the week between July 28 and Aug. 3 ran the gamut, from unlicensed driving, graffiti and public arguing to the theft of $250 of steak from DCK...
Police Log, July 22 – 28
Monday, July 22
8:27am A probation check occurred on Grove Street. A 22-year-old (YO) man was arrested for contempt of court, possession of a switchblade and violating probation. The man was transported to county jail.
12:32pm The Reporting Party (RP) at H2Hotel on Healdsburg Avenue heard...
Police Log, July 15 – 22
Early in the morning of July 15, numerous reporting parties (RP) on Heron Drive indicated a man was running while yelling that someone was trying to kill him. Officers responded and contacted the 46-year-old (YO) man, and determined he did not need a mental health hold.  Less than an hour later...
Police Log, July 8 – 14
A slew of graffiti was reported on Wednesday morning, July 10, unfortunately not an uncommon feature of our weekly Police Log...
Police Log, July 1 – 7
Crimes and concerns reported to Healdsburg Police Department, between July 1-7. This included the 4th of July week, so there are several reports of illegal fireworks and late-night noises....
Police Log, July 1-17
Monday, July 1
7:53am The Reporting Party (RP) wanted a person in the bathroom at Quail & Condor to leave. The person had a guitar with her. An officer responded, but the subject was gone on arrival (GOA) and unable to be located (UTBL).
1:08pm The...