64.9 F
March 8, 2025

Commentary: A wild opportunity

Thousands of Sonoma County residents represented by the Sonoma County Water Coalition and the local Democratic Party seek permanent protection of the headwaters of Felta Creek. Why is this, you may ask?

Commentary: Making communities safer

Imagine being in fear of the person you care about most. Imagine feeling you have nowhere to turn because you lack resources, perhaps have children to care for and you don’t know if family and friends will believe you.

Commentary: Stand against hatred

The Sonoma County Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) joins with the majority of Americans to denounce all those who harass, intimidate and terrorize minority communities and individuals across the nation.

Commentary: Speaking our truth

Last Saturday afternoon, two weeks after Charlottesville, one week after Boston, the same weekend that white nationalist groups planned to march in San Francisco and Berkeley, in 100-plus degree heat on the sun-soaked plaza, the residents of Healdsburg showed up.

Commentary: Reflecting on the first day of school

I remember that morning so clearly. She was far more calm than my wife and I were … it was hard not to tear up. We were dropping our daughter off for the first day of Kindergarten.

Commentary: Community Values

In response to public demand, the Healdsburg City Council is limiting the number of tasting rooms allowed downtown and is starting to look at ways (zoning changes etc.) to cap the number of hotels in town, or at least downtown. These are changes I am happy to see coming.

Commentary: Critical wild Coho salmon watershed threatened by aggressive logging plan

As wild Coho salmon have disappeared in nearly every tributary of the Russian River, Felta Creek remains a rare exception. Even in the low fish years of 2006 and 2008, endangered wild Coho survived in the shady pools of this boulder strewn west county stream. This spring, UC Sea Grant biologists discovered multiple spawning beds, or “redds,” in the creek’s gravel bars. Wild fish will be there again this summer.

Transient Occupancy Tax revenue can fix our roads

Last November Save Our Sonoma Roads supported Measure L, which increased the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) in unincorporated Sonoma County from 9 percent to 12 percent. It is estimated to increase annual revenue by $5 million. The ballot question explained that the purpose of the tax increase was “to address the impacts of tourists by investing in roads, emergency response,” and other tourism-related impacts. Over 68 percent of county voters approved the measure.

Deliberation better than ballot

In last week’s commentary a local group called on the city council to enact an immediate moratorium on hotels and tasting rooms while developing a plan for “Sustainable Tourism.” A follow up email threatened a ballot initiative to affect the moratorium. While I believe...

2017 goals should include plan for sustainable tourism

We request that the city of Healdsburg’s 2017 goals include a plan for sustainable tourism. The plan would initiate a study and eventually create a set of measures to balance tourism growth with the needs of residents and the economic and social costs associated with tourism. Importantly, to maintain the land use status quo while a study is pending, the city should immediately enact a moratorium on new hotel and tasting room approvals.