64.9 F
March 8, 2025

A riparian contrarian

The big mystery about the exciting new Russian River riparian setback rules is whether anyone really has a clue how they’ll work.

But I digress …

Summer quiz

How palliative care helped my father

Palliative Care to many sounds ominous and foreboding.  But as a practicing physician in Healdsburg for 38 years and caring for many elderly people, I see its value. Its main goal is quality of life, and defining patient’s wishes and seeing that they are followed.

Celebrating ‘Independence Month’

Americans have much to be grateful for. Freedom makes the top of the list for most of us because it’s expressed in so many aspects of our daily lives. Independence Day marks our celebration of freedom — it remembers we declared our independence from political and economic oppression by outsiders.

Show me the money

“All who believed were together and had all things in common. They would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need…”

The storm at the shelter

If we must say so ourselves — and why shouldn’t we? — the citizens of Healdsburg are one of the proudest and most generous communities to be found anywhere. We cherish our traditions as we also expand our horizons and meet all kinds of challenges with a stalwart blend of conviction and compassion. Healdsburg is home to good folks with big hearts.

On the bubble

There are people who don’t agree with me. Yeah, I had the same reaction – what? It’s true though. I realize that more and more when I try to talk sense into unreasonable people. How do I know they are unreasonable? Because well, they just are, that’s how.

Controlling pests

Pests, whether ants in the kitchen or weeds in the garden, are a frustrating reality in any home or garden. While many of us think of a pesticide as the quick solution, it is not the safest alternative for our family’s heath and for the environment. Our watershed, creeks, rivers and local water bodies can be contaminated with pesticides and other chemicals that we commonly use. These chemicals are not only a threat to aquatic life, but can also affect the quality of our drinking water and our health. So, how can we control pests safely? What are alternatives to pesticides? Should pesticides ever be used?

Memorial Day

The origins of Memorial Day are often attributed to General John Logan. It is true that, in 1868, he gave impetus to an official “Decoration Day” as it was first called, a time for remembering the Civil War dead and decorating their graves. But Logan never really understood the meaning of the day. Until his own death, he remained a radical reconstructionist whose fierce anger toward the South never abated.

An urgent appeal for support

Early in 2013, the new members of the Board of Directors of the Healdsburg Animal Shelter confronted the task of examining the Shelter’s business model and dealing with its continuing operating losses—losses that had severely eroded the Shelter’s financial reserves. In providing the high level of care that the Healdsburg community has come to expect, the Shelter has now exhausted nearly all its operating reserves.  Today we need community support—more than ever in the Shelter’s 53-year history—to keep the Shelter operating and fulfilling its mission.