How to sign up for Medicare
So you’re turning 65. Congratulations! It’s time to start taking advantage of your Medicare benefits. And just how do you do that?
Providing a safe place for teens
In Sonoma County, the second-leading cause of death among girls age 15-19 is suicide. The third-leading cause of death in that age group is homicide. These sobering figures come from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Teen dating violence plays a role in these deaths. 1.5 million teens in the U.S. are victims of physical, emotional, sexual and verbal abuse at the hands of a dating partner. In the Bay Area, about one out of every three teens experience this abuse. The rate of dating violence far exceeds any other type of violence experienced by youth.
To fish or not to fish
At least that was the question until it rained last week. Till then, the fish were holed up in pools of the lower Russian River, unable to go on their spawning runs because there wasn’t enough water in the river to allow it. I expect the rushing brown water from several creeks and tributaries has raised the river flow enough for the fish to be on their lusty way.
Wastewater treatment
For centuries, civilized peoples recognized the need for removal of bodily wastes from the human environment. Apart from the obvious odors and appearance of this waste, either on land or in bodies of water, the disease-causing germs were also present. Dysentery, Typhoid Fever, Cholera, and other public health issues were often found to be caused by the presence of bacteria and parasites in drinking water sources which were contaminated by wastewater. In areas where populations are concentrated, and where there is more wastewater to treat, communities construct wastewater collection systems that collect the wastewater and convey it to a treatment facility. The wastewater collection system typically consists of gravity-fed and pressurized underground piping which allows the unobstructed flow of wastewater to treatment facilities.
In memory of Saralee Kunde
Saralee McClelland Kunde died this week. She was 66 and had battled cancer for several years. Those who knew her understand what a loss this is for the county. They already know her almost unbelievably important role in creating the myth and magic of Sonoma County.
The library and equity
Richard Burg wrote in a recent commentary that he was disappointed in the actions of the Healdsburg City Council when they insisted on equity in the new governing document for the Sonoma County Library of which the Healdsburg Regional Library is a founding member. I welcome Richard’s admittedly belated attention to a process that has been going on for years. Let’s try to answer his question, “What is Equity?”
Water for oil
In December I went to a Regional Climate Protection Authority presentation at the Healdsburg city council chambers. The RCPA was created in 2009 to improve coordination on climate change issues and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as was mandated by the ten county government’s partnership with the Climate Protection Campaign in 2005. The goal is to reduce county GHG emissions to 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2015. It was the CPC that first championed Sonoma Clean Power in 2004.
What is equity?
The specifics of the effort to re-draft the JPA governing the County Library System came to my attention very late in the process. I was pleased to read the paragraph in the draft revision which proposed allowing communities to provide supplemental funds for local branches. When the county library system budget does not meet locally perceived needs a community could support their local branch. The Monday closure of the branches, in place for the last three years, could be reversed by allowing communities to fund Monday library services. It would be a valuable mechanism for communities to have library services responsive to local needs.
commentary Pick up after your pet
There are 78 million dogs in the U.S. today. They eat and then each eliminates almost a pound of poop every day. The resulting 3.6 billion pounds of dog poop produced in a year can fill 800 footballs fields, one foot deep! This is no small nuisance. Sonoma County’s 43,000 dogs produce over 32,000 pounds daily. Cleaning up your pet’s waste helps keep our pets, the environment, and each other healthy.