67.3 F
January 11, 2025

It’s what we wished for

Two decades ago, lots of Sonoma County winemakers and innkeepers were jealous over the attention heaped on their counterparts in Napa Valley, but they swore they’d never actually want to be another Napa or another wine country version of Disneyland. Back then, Sonoma’s wine and hospitality people would chortle, “Sonoma’s for wine, Napa is for auto parts.”

Why do we care about the Giants?

Yes, why do we care about them? With so much in this world to care about, why do we care if a baseball team wins or loses? Clearly, many of us care, millions and millions of us. My cousins drove in from Fresno for the games. Others come from Sacramento and points east. There are identified groups from far north of here at the ballpark: Ukiah, Fort Bragg and I think I saw a contingent from Arcata once.

Age of greed

Have you been greedy lately? Been looking for more than your

Time to modify growth ordinance

Healdsburg’s Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) is a citizen initiative enacted to preserve the town’s unique quality and character and insulate it from the pressures of unregulated market driven development. It effectively put the brakes on residential development and allowed the community to contemplate its future free from outside development pressures. The GMO’s authors and supporters are to be commended for their courage, perseverance and continued resolve.

Save our creeks

Each of us can do our part to maintain clean and healthy waterways.  If you live adjacent to a creek or waterway you may have additional responsibilities.

A McGovern sticker

In 1972 my wife Bonnie and I came to Healdsburg from Calistoga, where I had been the Vicar of St. Luke’s Church. Many churches now have a fairly extensive series of profiles and interviews prior to calling a priest. In 1972, the move was made based on two phone calls from the Bishop, one to me and the other to the Senior Warden of St. Paul’s. When I met the leaders of St Paul’s for the first time it was an accomplished fact that I was their new priest. Neither Bonnie nor I was yet 30 years old and we had a McGovern for President sticker on the bumper of our old Chevy sedan.

Fever Season

Every year at this time a fever descends upon one or two regions

Commentary 9-8-16

Ending the Healdsburg Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) has been promoted with the argument that reduction of regulatory limitations on building market-rate housing will increase the number of affordable housing units available.

Our Hispanic Horizon

The physical landscape and human culture of Sonoma County is a multi-layered tapestry of many ethnic paths, heritages and contributions. But if we were to only celebrate one perhaps it should be Latinos and Hispanics, as we now seek to do with National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.

To fish or not to fish

At least that was the question until it rained last week.  Till then, the fish were holed up in pools of the lower Russian River, unable to go on their spawning runs because there wasn’t enough water in the river to allow it.  I expect the rushing brown water from several creeks and tributaries has raised the river flow enough for the fish to be on their lusty way.  