Our medical Bill of Rights
When it comes to Obamacare, what matters most is what we, as individual patients and consumers do next and not what the U.S. Supreme Court just did.
Short term rentals an insight into “real” Healdsburg
I request that the city council reconsider their action to prohibit short-term vacation rentals. I understand that there are valid concerns about loss of low cost housing and the impact vacation rentals could have on our residential neighborhoods.
Full Red Alert is here
Red will be the dominant color for this weekend’s many red, white and blue Fourth of July celebrations, holiday picnics and weekend outdoor adventures. That is because we are now under a summer-long Red Flag fire safety alert issued by CalFire and others. Hot weather, busy humans and dumb moments are dangerous ingredients for tragedy and loss.
Cries of the Earth, germs of racism
We have been living in a global village and sharing the same orbiting planet much longer than social scientists have been reminding us, or the first photos from outer space of our fragile blue-green marble confirmed.
A hollow gesture
The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors took the easy way out last week, cynically agreeing unanimously to require everyone connected to the county – except themselves – to comply with a living wage increase. Requiring county contractors and grant recipients to raise wages to $15 an hour was a fine thing to do, but exempting the county itself was disappointing, and turned the whole affair into an exercise in self-aggrandizement.
Failing their budget exam
We were hoping the Board of Supervisors would prove to be “fast learners,” but we’re afraid they have already showed up too late for their latest big test — the annual budget hearings this week. After the taxpayers’ trouncing of their Measure A sales tax increase proposal in the June 2 election, we expected our county’s leaders to do some extra studying, rethink their political blunders and ask the public for some after-school tutoring.
The truth about car washes
Public perception of professional car washes during a time of drought has often led to a call for restrictions on their water use. However, professional car washes are usually the most environmentally friendly method of cleaning a car. During this current drought in California, all residents should be conserving at home, including when cleaning their car. Increasing the time between washings is the first step to saving water. When the car has to be washed, take it to a professional car wash to save water and prevent pollution.
Unsustainable system
After reading last week’s commentary, from retired Sonoma County probation officer Robert Bulwa, challenging Dan Drummond’s criticisms of Measure A and the Sonoma County retirement system; I thank Mr. Bulwa for his service to Sonoma County, but would correct some of his misunderstandings, about the incredibly generous retirement benefits presently provided. Since retired County Supervisors and County Auditor Rod Dole, approved without legally required public notices and actuarial studies, massive 50 percent retroactive pension increases in 2004; there is no retirement system in the entire state of California more generous than Sonoma County’s. These decisions created huge unfunded liabilities, increasing pension costs 500 percent, along with tremendous social consequences; eventually undermining every county function once provided for generations. If one goes to www.transparentcalifornia.com, the present average salary and benefit for Sonoma County workers is $128,082 +/-, with the bottom 500 averaging $72,141 and top 500 averaging $214,123. Assistant County Administrator Chris Thomas will confirm this. Mr. Bulwa countered Mr. Drummond’s assertion that the unfunded liability is not $900 million, indeed it’s well over $1 billion, with not only the retirement funds unfunded liability of $350 million, but also the county’s $500 million in Pension Obligation Bonds, which are absolutely part of Sonoma County’s unfunded liability. We also have an unfunded liability for retiree medical of $400 million. These liabilities are a loan, paid back by the taxpayers at 6-7.5 percent interest, over the next 20-28 years. The $1 billion-plus liability is paid back with another $1 billion in interest. A rule of thumb is that every $1 of unfunded liability is paid back with $1 of interest, resulting in a payout from the county budget of over $2 billion over the next 28 years. This system is not Mr. Bulwa’s, or county retirees’ fault; it is all of our faults. We have become a victim of our own devices. My generation, the first wave of retiring baby boomers, who control the unions, the management, the electeds; have allowed a system to be created that is not sustainable, that is increasingly burdening the next generations with quadrupled tuitions, larger classrooms with shorter school days, and many becoming indentured servants to huge high interest college loans. Our roads and infrastructure are failing, our communities have become zombie lands with homeless shuffling the streets and services once available to my generation to help the least of those among us are no longer available. Most of our public servants are given a salary and retirement benefit for one years’ service, without fully funding the benefit for the year of service. If you can’t fund a benefit today, how can you fund it tomorrow? We cannot expect the next generations to be capable of paying these massive debts, while all the educational opportunities and programs that benefited my generation are taken away. Perhaps the next human rights movement, just like the suffragettes and the civil rights movements of the 20th century, should be one of intergenerational equity. You cannot burden the next generation with massive debts and obligations of the previous generation, if we did not set aside enough to provide for our own retirements, why should we bankrupt the next generation to pay for it?
A bad cloud count
There are stark, disturbing clouds darkening parts of every community and neighborhood in Sonoma County. Please be alerted that these clouds are increasing and will not go away without our intervention.
Time to stop scapegoating retirees
In the May 21 edition of this paper, in this space, a guest commentary from Sonoma County Taxpayers Association executive director Dan Drummond, appeared under the heading, “Problems with Measure A.” The article took particular, and we feel excessive, aim at county retirees by stating, “Unchecked pensions remain the greatest concern,” basically blaming county obligations to retirees for the condition of the roads, specifically asking, “Is there really any doubt why funding for roads, parks and other services has not kept up with our needs?”