64.9 F
March 8, 2025

Unplanned parenthood

The opposite of planned parenthood is unplanned parenthood. One approach reduces unwanted births, offers education for new parents and promotes family and social order. The other turns the clock back to days of back alley abortions, family frenzy and archaic religious codes.

Water Savings without Compromise

Living in the Russian River Watershed is a gardener’s dream come true. However, with California in its fourth year of drought, it is increasingly important that community members act collectively to decrease landscape water usage. Planting low water-use plants at our homes and businesses is one way we can reduce our impacts on this vital resource.

County seats for sale

While America is heading toward its first “billionaires-only” election for a new president next November, is there anything us local peons can do to save next year’s important elections for new county government leaders?

Have a nice day, or whatever

How come when someone says to us, “Have a nice day,” we sometimes feel offended or dismissed instead of welcomed or appreciated? This four-word greeting can be as fake and condescending as it can be uplifting or soulful.

Rental stabilization

Healdsburg’s rental housing market is in crisis. Evictions, 60 day notices and often 20 percent-plus rental increases are occurring daily, the most recent eviction being the 21-unit rental housing on Prentice Drive, with all tenants being evicted for building repairs, and rents going from a range of $850 to $1,400 to $2,100 – a 65 percent rental increase and more in one year. How many rental units and people are in Healdsburg? According to the 2010 housing element statistics there are 4,378 total housing units in Healdsburg. Forty-two percent of them (1,857) are rental units. With an average of three persons per unit, this could represent 5,571 people in our community of 12,000 residents.

In support of local winegrape growers and sustainability

As president of Sonoma County Winegrowers and on behalf of Sonoma County winegrape growers and their families, I wanted to take the opportunity to share how the local farming community is working together to preserve our agriculture character, including correcting the misinformation that has appeared in some local newspapers recently.

What housing crisis?

A “housing crisis” has been declared for all of Sonoma County by elected officials, affordable housing advocates and by the home building and construction industry. Rents and raw building costs have never been higher. Vacancy rates for rentals are almost zero and new housing construction is years behind the actual demand, these leaders tell us.

Healdsburg 2025

Editor’s note – As we celebrate our 150th year of publishing, the Healdsburg Tribune seeks to balance a reverence for the past, a keen eye on the present and a healthy curiosity about the future. Occasionally, a forward-thinking reader sends us what we like to call “A letter from the future,” examining present-day Healdsburg from an imagined perspective of the future. Jay Beckwith submitted this thoughtful and interesting essay.

Down on the farm

Many of us who live here in Sonoma County have been wrestling with our identity the past few years. We stopped calling this place the Redwood Empire several years ago, but not all of us want to be known as wine country. By land mass, we’re still rural and agricultural. But, by many other measures we prefer to be urban and urbane, more hip and less hick. We get wowed with mentions of “Sonoma style” and “wine country lifestyle” from places like New York, Los Angeles or Paris.

Guest Commentary

Hold on to your butts — your cigarette butts, that is. Let’s face it: many smokers litter when discarding their cigarette butts. They are dropped on sidewalks, tossed out the car window, and left on beaches. A cigarette butt is so small, it is easy to feel like we’re really not littering at all. What’s a cigarette butt compared to tossing a bag of fast food wrappers into the street or pouring a can of used oil in the gutter?