The elephant in the room
Recently there has been considerable attention directed towards Healdsburg’s lack of affordable housing, especially in regards to the “missing middle” working class families. This situation could be seen coming a long time ago and essentially took this long to boil over.
The facts on Healdsburg’s GMO
There’s been tremendous concern lately about what Healdsburg should do about the voter-adopted Growth Management Ordinance (GMO). People have packed council chambers expressing their concerns about the cost of housing. There’s no denying that we live in a very desirable community, which means demand for housing is high.
Picking a leader
The once-outlandish, now conceivable spectacle that Donald Trump could be our next U.S. president is forcing us to reconsider how we choose our leaders. Have we lost track of what it takes to be a good leader? Do we agree on the necessary qualities of leadership? Forget about voting for Trump, Hillary or some other politician, can we even figure out how to pick a new mayor, sports team captain, PTA president or county supervisor anymore?
Are coastal changes coming?
A lot is happening along Sonoma County’s 35 miles of Pacific Ocean coastline these days. And this time we’re not talking about the migrating gray whales or the disappointing closure of the dungeness crab season. We’re talking about actions and proposals by the dominant coastal species — humans.
A recent editorial attacked the county budget process, stating that discussions are held outside of the public view and void of citizen input. It ended by asserting, “This is not how county government should work.”
Living wage ordinance a good first step
In December, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved a $15 per hour living-wage ordinance. The legislation will increase wages for approximately 1,200 workers employed by the county and large county contractors — including park aids, animal care, security, janitorial, landscape, mental health, recycling and other low-wage workers.
Valentine for democracy
Today in Healdsburg, too many locals can no longer afford a place to live. The promise of the American Dream remains elusive for all but the few, in a system that seems rigged toward the top.
GMO free zone
There is a grassroots movement afoot in Sonoma County to join our neighbors to the north and south in creating a Coastal GMO Free Zone.
Luminarias, homelessness and heart
I worked at the Healdsburg Library for over 25 years before I retired last year. Something I always wanted to try with the library was to bring world class literary talent to Healdsburg.
A new year
First off, Happy New Year. I hope you were able to enjoy some well-deserved time with loved ones over the holidays.