64.9 F
March 8, 2025

This summer’s miracle cure

Welcome to summer, the season of growing light, relaxed purpose and new opportunities. Summer dreams. Summer breaks and summer vacations. Summer of our youths, summer play. Let’s do it.

Class of 2016

Fellow classmates, faculty, family and friends, it is truly an honor to be speaking here and I wanted to start it off by congratulating my classmates. It has been a road paved by strife, diligence, chronic senioritus, and quite a few senior ditch days but we made it here so I think that deserves a round of applause.

Bridges, not walls

In the middle of another horrific news cycle, set off by the mass killings in Orlando, we look closer to home for signs of sanity, human hope and answers. We curse our crazy world while we gather and hug our loved ones ever tighter.

Easy living

Summer time and the living is easy. Especially in our cozy, friendly small towns we call home and where we welcome streams of visitors, seeking respite, fun and some genuine modern Americana.

A summer place

You could hear some jeers over the polite applause last week when Sonoma County banned new vacation rentals in established residential neighborhoods.

Gifting for graduates

Mylar balloons, new shoes and envelopes full of money always make good gifts for graduating students. And, this being June and the beginning of the local graduation season, it’s not too early to pick over suitable gift suggestions. But caution is urged. Not all gift categories fit all graduates. Clothing, personalized tattoos or inspirational books can really miss the mark. Graduates may be quite young with much more to learn, but they know exactly what they want. Especially when it concerns fashion, peer approval and mandatory tests for coolness.

Remembering the fallen

Memorial Day and Veterans Day can often seem interchangeable. Both days are marked by solemn reflection on the service of military members. The main difference in my life has been usually that I got Memorial Day off, but never Veterans Day.  

Measure AA – too much bureaucracy

By now we’ve all seen the stunning pictures of humpback whales swimming in San Francisco Bay and received in our mailboxes the expensive color brochures touting the benefits of Measure AA. The well-funded proponents of Measure AA would have us believe that $500 million in new taxes will result in a clean and healthy San Francisco Bay for ourselves and future generations.

Look twice at Measure AA

Measure AA on the June 7 Primary Election ballot may be double-lettered because it deserves a double look. It supports a worthy goal of protecting and restoring the San Francisco Bay, but it asks voters to pay an annual $12 per household tax that grants new and unprecedented taxing powers over the entire nine-county Bay Area.

Healdsburg Unified school district Project based learning

Healdsburg Charter School (HCS) opened in August 2011, after extensive visioning and community involvement, and has become a thriving school with a waiting list at each grade level. The school is housed at two sites, with K-2 students at Healdsburg Elementary School and grades 3-5 at Fitch Mountain Campus.