Dear Editor:
Since you kindly published my letter and that big, sexy photograph of my three-legged, bad self, a number of Healdsburgians have recognized me around town—an athletic woman on the Fitch Mountain trail, a handsome gent in Safeway check-out line, a homeless guy in the parking lot and many others. And that’s just the humans. I even received a kind note from Mayor Ariel Kelley proposing a date to meet her puppy Cooper. Thank you for the front page coverage—social media at its best.
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks thinking about my new-found fame and bothering the mail carrier more than usual—hoping a letter would arrive with your decision to allow me to write an ongoing column in the Tribune. My “owner” thought I needed a break (I was doing quite a bit of nervous digging), so he took us on a road trip. I’ll leap into almost any open car door; I don’t really need to know where I’m going. It smelled like we were headed south.
We exited in a short time and arrived at the Charles Schulz Airport and nearby museum in Windsor. My “owner” knows how much I admire Snoopy. Now, there was a dog who knew how to carry his fame, who had no need to spew his ego all over the rest of us. He is the poster pup for how to handle celebrity status. They might, perhaps, consider renaming the airport for the Snoop.
I’m not complaining about dogs not getting attention here. Our area is lucky to claim both Snoopy and the Healdsburg High Hounds. We are DogProud! And yet the Tribune is having a Pet Photo Contest with (as far as I know) only human judges? This is 2023, folks. Following in Snoopy’s big pawprints, I want to be of service, and I therefore offer myself (along with my canine savvy) to be a judge in the Pet Photo Contest. Or possibly grand marshall, if appropriate.
And then there’s the column. I would hope to use the platform to redefine the very concept of “service dog”—to use my voice to help others (of all species) and to strengthen our community.
What the world could look forward to if I am granted a column (you’re welcome):
- A Michelin guide of 3-star table scraps
- Have dogs been domesticated by humans or vice versa?
- Napping: where and when
- Why dogs should not be allowed in all restaurants
- The best days and times to hook up with other single dogs at the Plaza
- Coping with chihuahuas (is that breedist?)
- A dog’s guide to Russian River access
- Etiquette tips for relieving oneself in public
- Therapy workshops for rescue dogs
- The rising cost of dog and cat treats
- A happy trails guide to best local hikes
And a big woof out to the Tribune.

Solito de Baja
Bailhache Avenue
Dear Celebrity Dog:
Have your people call my people. And by “people,” I mean humans. Let’s discuss this over a bowl of wine.
Daedalus Howell