42.5 F
January 20, 2025

Big Rigs, Centaurs, Spirits and a Marching Band

The 75th annual Twilight Parade went off without a hitch—a blaze of color and familiar faces flowing through town like a river of lights. Don’t forget the music—including a marching band....

Here Comes the Twilight Parade!

Parade with flags
Marching bands, fire engines, pickup trucks and flatbeds—along with colorful dancing troupes and campaigning politicians—will march through town on Thursday to kick off the 75th anniversary of the Healdsburg Future Farmers Country Fair, or HFFCF...

The Table Is Set for Wine & Food ‘Experience’

Table set for luxe lunch
& Food Experience, a four-day workout for the palate that draws upon local produce and product to offer a well-rounded “experience” for its participants....

Summer Brings Music, Dance to Wine Country Towns

Party at the Ranch
Summer afternoons are filled with live music most days of the week in Wine Country But one popular local venue for weekly music in town is closing at the end of the month—and its future is anything but clear.

Holiday Spotlight: Easter Egg Scramble

MAD DASH Members of the Healdsburg Rotary Club’s noontime chapter hosted their annual ‘Easter Egg Scramble’ at Healdsburg Elementary’s Fitch Mountain campus on Saturday morning—sending dozens of local kids ages 10 and younger darting across the school field in search of colored eggs. This...

Healdsburg’s Spring Celebrations

With the onset of spring last week—despite the cold and rain—Healdsburg is beginning to wake up from its sleepy winter months and get back in gear as the food/wine/music destination city it has become, with five significant celebrations coming to town in the coming months.

Prime Pinots Picked at Pigs & Pinot

Chef Charlie Palmer’s 17th annual weekend celebrating the mutual appeal and attraction of pinot noir and pork, Pigs & Pinot, played to a full house over the weekend of March 15-16 with lunches, dinners, food and wine tasting and other events. A cast of “Master...

‘Top o’ the Morning to You!’ Sunday’s Pre-Dawn Parade

For some reason, Healdsburg has become known for its St. Patrick’s Day parade. If it’s not the best, then certainly it’s the earliest. Starting at 6am, give or take—that’s pretty early.  For the past 29 years or so, early risers (or possibly those who stay...

Local Dining on the Menu for Restaurant Week

With the closures and limitations of the pandemic fading into memory, restaurant dining has regained its position as one of Sonoma County’s most popular, close-to-home recreations.

‘In My Kusina’: It’s What’s for Dinna

In her new cookbook, In My Kusina (2013), Healdsburg resident Dinna Villacorta Eisenhart captures the magic of Filipino cooking and culture through her exacting documentation of the well-loved dishes from her childhood.