Inside Jendala’s Creative Space
The Healdsburg Arts Festival is back again this year, pared down to one busy day in the Plaza. Starting Saturday morning at 10am until 7pm, more than 40 artists will sell their personal and unique artwork of every description—from watercolors, oils and acrylics to...
New Child Care in Healdsburg
Inside the Healdsburg Community Center near the north end of town, formerly the home of Foss Creek Elementary, two of the school’s old classrooms are newly renovated and filled with children again—this time, even younger. The rooms are bustling with the sounds of cooing babies, giggling toddlers and active preschoolers...
Pachanga Brings Art to the Plaza
Residents who headed down to the Healdsburg Plaza on Sunday evening looking for Art After Dark, usually a diverse collection of visual and performance artists showing their skills, were surprised to find something quite different: an hours-long multicultural celebration of music and dance called...
Drivers Asked to Turn Off Idling Cars
“Every time I go to Vineyard Plaza in Healdsburg I notice multiple parked vehicles with engines idling. I see people eating lunch, waiting for a pizza order, talking on the phone, listening to the radio while their car pollutes the air and makes noise,” wrote Steve Davy on Nextdoor. Some people have had enough...
Postcard From Black Rock City
"I just crawled back to Healdsburg last week from my fourth Burning Man; my Prius is still caked in telltale white dust. Everyone has been asking me what it was like out there. I’ll try my best to explain." Our latest Postcard, this one from Simone Wilson...
Chamber’s Barbecue Fundraiser Celebrates Healdsburg
“It was an unforgettable evening filled with good company, fine wine and lively music, all set against the stunning backdrop of Rodney Strong,” said Chamber CEO Tallia Hart of the 2024 summer barbecue fundraiser...
Fudge Ends 30-year Career in Windsor
Debora Fudge has played a key role in shaping Windsor since 1994. With Fudge planning to step back from civic life, and heading out for a vacation in Europe this week, it seemed a good time to learn more about how she became so involved in Windsor and what she thinks of the town now.
Bonjour From Paris! A Postcard From the Olympics
Most people have a dream. A dream for their future: A dream job, a dream house, a dream of who they will become or a dream trip of a lifetime. My husband, Louis, always dreamed of attending the Olympic Games—a dream made even more special when it was held in one of our favorite cities, Paris. The City of Lights...
Glass Mural for Harmon Guest House
A nationally known artist will soon install a one-of-a-kind glass mural on the high wall of the Harmon Guest House in downtown Healdsburg, its imagery based in part on a series of painting workshops that gave amateur artists free rein to create what they wanted...
Healdsburg Fireworks: The Big Show That Wasn’t
A record-breaking celebration seemed in the works on Thursday morning, July 4, to celebrate the holiday with a Kids Parade and an all-comers Duck Dash at the Plaza. Then the news broke: The city's fireworks show for that night had been canceled. Why?...