As we welcome September in Healdsburg, many of our residents are in full back-to-school mode, and that’s noticeable at the library. Our staff, as well as the teachers, kids and parents, have had their recovery time and gotten the school year running smoothly; now the library staff is ready to bring a full slate of programming to the calendar once again. We encourage you to take a look at what’s coming up.
This month we are featuring Storytimes with Shannon Duarte, the acting children’s services librarian, on Fridays, Sept. 15 and 22, when we offer Baby and Toddler Storytime inside the library. On Sept. 29 and Oct. 6, look for a Family Storytime at Giorgi Park with our BiblioBike. We will also offer Preschool Storytime this month on Tuesdays—Sept. 19 and 26. All storytimes (on Tuesdays and Fridays) will occur at 10:30am.
If one is looking for an experience for children offered in Spanish, we are also offering Spanish Music & Movement on the first Tuesday and third Saturday of each month now, with events coming up on Saturday, Sept. 16 at 11:30am and Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 11am.
Social Services
On Thursday, Sept. 16 at 3pm, we will continue our bi-monthly Social Services Fair. Every other month, we have representatives from social service organizations such as Redwood Empire Food Bank, Reach for Home, Alliance Medical Center and/or Micah’s Hugs. We look forward to continuing this opportunity into the future.
We hope that everyone will take advantage of having these organizations on hand all in the same place at the same time—sometimes one of the biggest challenges of completing the many required steps to receive services is simply that they have offices in different areas, so having them all in one place for a day can be a real help.
Friday Flicks
Our Friday Flicks series was a big hit over the summer, with many families taking advantage of the opportunity to watch a free movie and have a little popcorn at the library. We will continue this program throughout the year at a slightly later time after school—the movies will start at 3:30pm every Friday.
We will alternate weeks between movies that are fun for the whole family and movies that have teens in mind. To check on the upcoming film for the week, come by the library or give us a call at 707-433-3772.
We also offer a movie night for adults on Wednesday nights once a month, with more grownup themes. Recent screenings have included The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Finding Nemo and Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3.
The next film will be shown on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 6 pm. We aren’t allowed to broadcast film titles for licensing reasons, but we can put up signs in the library and let you know when you ask. We’ve planned things out so we have a good lineup to offer for the next few months.
Library Card Contest
Lastly, September is Library Card Signup Month, and we invite you to “Find Your Path at the Library.” Got a library card you haven’t used in a while? Stop by so we can update you. Do you use your card a lot? Tell a friend about the magic of a free public library. We will track all new cardholder sign ups in September in Sonoma County, and pick 10 winners, who will receive great prizes.
Jon Haupt is the branch manager of the Healdsburg Regional Library at 139 Piper St., open daily.