Local help for farmworkers?
It’s curious to me that a nonprofit from the East Bay, in partnership with Corazón, has had to come to the rescue of our farmworkers.  Please reassure me that the winegrowers and winery owners, whose $630 million harvest depends on the hard labor of our farmworkers, are stepping up to meet these critical needs.
Kerry Locklear

Help for California fires
Dear Governor Newsom, 
I want the prison firefighter situation remedied. The payment of inmate firefighters of $5.12 a day for essential and dangerous work is immoral. To then bar these people from serving as firefighters is not only immoral but impractical. There needs to be a way for those individuals to find remunerative work fighting fires if they so choose after they have served their time.
I was evacuated due to the Walbridge Fire, my third fire evacuation in four years. I hear that there aren’t enough resources including firefighters to do anything but try to contain the course of this fire. I know you, Gov. Newsom of all people are aware, impacted and concerned for the future of California.
We know the criminal justice system is broken, the outcome of people of color and those who can’t afford private lawyers in significantly different. This is an area where human rights and practical necessity converge.
I feel all fired up and intend to create or join an activist conflagration to remedy this particular problem. I am ashamed that I permit this injustice and I need this to change no matter what it takes.
Kathleen Murphy

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