Fix other streets in town
This is a letter to the city of Cloverdale. That’s nice, putting in sidewalks for the few people that will use them. When are you gonna start spending some of our tax money on out dilapidated streets in ‘old town’? It’s past time to do something about the potholes and just general overall crappy condition they are in.
Carolyn Ramos

Gaby for Cloverdale school board
It’s a pleasure to write this letter endorsing Gabriela (Gaby) Mendoza-Torres for Cloverdale School Board Trustee. Gaby is home-grown and has risen to the top in the teaching profession, in just a few short years. She wants to bring her educational experiences to Cloverdale schools as a trustee.
As a retired CHS principal, you seldom see students that have the leadership skills that Gaby had in high school. Talk about well-rounded, Gaby participated in two sports, including an undefeated championship girls cross country team, and held just about every student government position. She not only was a Citrus Fair contestant, but was also chosen to participate in Girls State. With all these experiences, Gaby knows the importance of students participating in extracurricular activities. As busy as she was, Gaby was still able to be on the Principal’s Honor Roll.
After high school, Gaby attended U.C. Santa Cruz where she earned a degree in chemistry and a master’s in education. Upon graduation, Gaby was hired as a middle school science teacher at Cali Calmecac Language Academy. It wasn’t long before she climbed the ladder to science department chair, teaching 8th grade science, including MESA in Spanish. Gaby also implemented a bilingual health education program in grades five through seven. As if that isn’t enough, she is the school’s ASB advisor and student activities director. Gaby holds all parent conferences in English and Spanish.
As anyone can see, Gaby is highly motivated and a skilled leader. Besides her strong academic background, she knows the importance of giving students opportunities to succeed in all forms of extra-curricular activities.
Above all, Gaby is a strong communicator and listener, which is utmost important as a trustee. Being Hispanic herself, Gaby can give representation to the same population. Growing up in Cloverdale, she has a strong sense of community and wants her kids to attend Cloverdale High School after completing bilingual education at Cali Calmecac Language Academy. I strongly recommend Gabriela Mendoza-Torres for CUSD trustee. She deserves your vote!
Gene Lile
Retired CUSD Administrator and Ex-Trustee

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