Camping on Morris Street
EDITOR: I would like to thank the Sebastopol police for continuing to enforce vehicle registrations on the mobile homes parked along Morris Street in Sebastopol and the Laguna Foundation for posting permanent “No Overnight Camping” signs on the Laguna property.
A few months ago, the city council asked the police department to do a month-long study and report back. Their report recommended that the street should be posted “No parking midnight-6:30 a.m.” The job of the police is to keep our streets and people safe. I cannot understand why the Sebastopol City Council will not take this recommendation and pass the parking ordinance.
The City of Sebastopol does own the former campground south of the Laguna Bridge, which sits empty. If the Council is concerned for these campers, they could invite them there. It is not healthy for the campers to live on the street, and it is certainly not healthy for the rest of us to have sewage dumped onto business properties and into the Laguna.
Over 70 businesses along Morris Street have asked for help in solving this crisis. The safety and health of our citizens, shoppers, and students should be the concern of the city council. I urge them to pass this ordinance.
Loretta Castleberry
Fallen apple lament
EDITOR: It’s that time of year. Chill in the air. Leaves turn color and fall to the ground. And once again tons of apples in west county fall to the ground and go to waste. A sad certainty for which there seems to be no answer.
Neil Davis
Want to be on the school board in Bodega Bay?
EDITOR: Bob Raines, Superintendent of the Shoreline Unified School District, announced that applications for the open seat on the Board of Trustees will be available at the District Office until Nov. 9, 2018.
Interested persons who live within the boundaries of the Shoreline Unified School District, Trustee Area 3 (Bodega, Bodega Bay, Dillon Beach, Valley Ford) and who are registered voters are welcome to apply for the one existing vacancy. All applications will become public records upon receipt by the district.
Candidates will be interviewed in open session by the six current governing board members at a meeting scheduled for that purpose.
Inquiries from qualified residents can be made by calling Jeannie Moody, district secretary, at (707) 878-2266.
Shoreline Unified School District

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