Regarding the Guerneville Post Office
EDITOR: As the postmaster of the Guerneville Post Office, it is my sworn duty to ensure each of my residents receive consistent delivery and reliable service. In light of recent events, I want to offer my sincerest apology for the inconveniences caused to my PO Box Holders who were unable to access their PO Box.
I made a mistake and I want my customers to know that I and my staff are committed to correcting that mistake. While there were some service impacts due to wildfires I did not ensure notices were provided timely to each of my PO Box Holders and consequently boxes were closed without ample notification. There is no excuse for this oversight and as the Postmaster I owe it to my customers to acknowledge and learn from this mistake. No matter what disruptions are happening be it pandemic or wildfires I will ensure that such disruptions do not happen again.
We are proud of our role in providing an essential service to our community and I empathize with the frustrations everyone is facing during these uncertain times. The one constant throughout this crisis has been our commitment to fulfilling the vital mission of the Postal Service. To make this right, we have taken the following actions:

  • All blocks have been removed from the P.O. Boxes currently due for renewal
  • Mail delivery to all P.O. Boxes has resumed
  • No mail has been returned to sender 

Our goal at the Guerneville Post Office will be to continue to improve our communication with our customers and provide the service that you deserve from the Postal Service. I’m proud to be a part of the Guerneville community and on behalf of all the employees at the Guerneville Post Office thank you for your continued support. Stay safe and stay healthy!
Ron Combs

Family farmers say yes on Measure P
EDITOR: When Sonya Perrotti, owner of Coyote Family Farm in Penngrove, saw big signs lining nearby roads that read Farmers Say No on Measure P, she thought to herself, “Oh, do I?”
And she wasn’t alone. Farmer Caiti Hachmyer was taken aback to find the credibility of her beloved vocation used to oppose what she views as long-overdue, commonsense oversight of law enforcement. Farmers Vince and Jenny Trotter took to their tractor with a “Yes on Measure P” sign to counter all those going up around them that claimed to speak on their behalf. “Measure P will ensure that officers are held accountable to their actions,” said the Trotters. “Opponents of this measure are spreading a lot of misinformation.”
The list of farmers who support Measure P could feed much of this county: Laguna Farm, Singing Frogs Farm, Bernier Family Farm, Tierra Vegetable, Kibo Farms, Red H Farm, Full Bloom Flower Farm, Green Star Farm and Chiatri de Laguna Farm, to name a few — the last of which is run by Wendy Krupnick, president of the Sonoma County chapter of Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF), which advocates on behalf of smaller-scale farms. 
“As the local chapter of CAFF we hadn’t planned on weighing in on this ballot measure,” said Krupnick, “It just felt beyond the purview of an agricultural group. But when folks started inquiring with us last week, asking why farmers were so adamantly opposed to this measure, we felt the need to set the record straight. Firstly, no one can speak for all farmers. But I can tell you this: there are a lot of local food producers in Sonoma County, like me, who believe that when it comes to law enforcement, transparency and community participation matter.”
So, to clear up a few things:
Measure P does not cut any money from the Sheriff’s Office budget. Measure P does not cut safety or emergency services. Measure P will not increase response times to emergency calls, fires and disasters. 
And last but certainly not least: all farmers are not opposed to Measure P. 
Family farmers care deeply about the safety of everyone in our community. And the values behind Measure P are the same that you’ll find behind the booths at your local farmers market. So, on behalf of these farmers and the Sonoma County CAFF chapter, we invite you to join us in voting Yes on Measure P. 
The Sonoma County Chapter of Community Alliance with Family Farmers

Support for Neysa
EDITOR: I am writing to show my continued support for Neysa Hinton, who is running for re-election to the Sebastopol City Council. 
Over many years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with and get to know Neysa. We recently became colleagues on a county board, and I have been most impressed with her asking the tough questions, taking on issues and staying steadfast in dealing with those issues. This is the quality needed while in the position of decision making and achieving results, whether it’s on a county board or city council. Neysa is a tireless public servant representing Sebastopol on the Russian River Watershed Association and the Mayors and Councilmembers Association of Sonoma County Legislative Committee. Additionally, Neysa was appointed to the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District Advisory Committee by the Mayor and Council Members Association. She also serves an appointee as a Director on the Sonoma County Fair Board, which I also serve on.
During her past four years as a member of the Sebastopol City Council, Neysa has more than demonstrated her commitment to her community. This was especially true while serving as Mayor last year. While in the position of Sebastopol mayor, Neysa’s strong leadership and direct response guided Sebastopol through the Laguna flood, PG&E public safety power shutoffs and the city’s first ever evacuation due to the Kincade Fire. She proudly cares about Sebastopol, and Neysa shares my vision and values for a more prosperous and positive future for Sonoma County. 
I could not imagine and better candidate to continue to represent the great people of Sebastopol. I would encourage Sebastopol residents to re-elect Neysa Hinton, she will continue to work hard for Sebastopol.
Tony Geraldi
Santa Rosa

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