Editor’s note: As election season approaches, some of the letters we receive from other areas about local measures may appear in our Letter’s to the Editor section.
Can we afford to not have a north county hospital?
EDITOR: The fate of Healdsburg District Hospital is on the ballot this year. I ask you all to join me in defending the future of north county’s only hospital/emergency room. 
My concern about the passage of Measure BB is deeply personal. Twice this year I had to rush my husband to Healdsburg Hospital’s ER for respiratory therapy. Unless you have witnessed a severe asthma attack or COPD flare, it’s hard to grasp the feeling of helplessness, the terror of being responsible for a loved one who is struggling to breathe.
After dashing south for help, my husband received excellent care from the doctors, nurses and respiratory therapist at Healdsburg Hospital. For their life-saving professionalism, we remain most grateful.
What if Healdsburg Hospital were shuttered due to financial issues? Would there be time to travel an additional 20-plus minutes to a hospital in Santa Rosa? Maybe not. To the residents of Cloverdale and Geyserville … remember, that extra drive time could be the difference between life and death for you or your loved one, too.
North Sonoma County residents deserve our own quality medical facility right here in the community. For our safety, for our peace of mind, we simply can’t afford to lose Healdsburg Hospital.
As you mark your ballots this year, think about your loved ones and where you would go for help during a health crisis or after an accident. I urge you to Vote Yes on Measure BB.
Diane Bartleson

Hospital is important in emergencies
EDITOR: As a local north Sonoma County resident and health care provider, I’m concerned about the possible closure of Healdsburg District Hospital, including its outpatient primary care and specialty services. Even if you have not personally used these services, many depend on them for their care.
The hospital’s location is critical in emergency situations where every minute matters. In any life-threatening situation including a stroke or heart attack, if the nearest ER requires an extra 20-plus minute drive plus the extra time spent in a crowded waiting room, that extra time could be the difference between life and death or disability. In an emergency, minutes really do matter.
Whether the hospital closes or not depends on the passage of Measure BB, a measure that allows for the sale of the hospital. If we vote yes and it passes there will be an investment into the hospital to bring it up to modern standards, attract an influx of quality providers and give our health care workers the resources they need to keep our community healthy. It guarantees ongoing care for vulnerable members of our community including in Windsor.
The sale will ensure the continued operation of the hospital without raising property taxes or requiring additional money for taxpayers. If it doesn’t pass, we still have the parcel tax but not a hospital, its clinics or other services.
The fate of Healdsburg District Hospital is on the ballot. Vote yes for Measure BB.
Dr. Laura Kimbro
Center for Women’s Health

Vote no on Measure BB
EDITOR: It is difficult as a tax-paying resident of Healdsburg to understand how the parcel tax that collects approximately $3.5 million annually is going to be given to a religious entity, Providence St. Joseph Catholic Health, if Measure BB passes in November. Equally difficult to comprehend is that reproductive and right-to-die rights as legally defined in the state of California will be restricted and/or eliminated at Healdsburg Hospital. Touted as a secular affiliate, NorCal HealthConnect, LLC. represents the Catholic health care system and follows the guidelines of the Ethical and Religious Directives (ERDs) of the U.S. Congress of Bishops (www.usccb.org/about/doctrine/ethical-and-religious-directives/upload). This 30-page document defines what the church will allow in terms of health care and describes reproductive options such as contraception as ‘intrinsically evil’.
The sale of our local hospital to this organization is a grave concern in terms of civil rights and liberties. The proponents of Measure BB state that there would be “only” three restrictions from the ERDs but makes no mention of future potential changes in health care options. What will be the next denial? How can a religious institution receiving public funds deny services that are legal in our state? Consider the real costs and what it will mean to our community — vote no on Measure BB.
Patricia Morandi

Keep our hospital open
EDITOR: As a third generation Healdsburg resident, my family has been counting on the care provided by Healdsburg District Hospital for about as long as it has been open. HDH has been a vital asset to our community, providing high quality health care services to all residents of northern Sonoma County. My children were born there, and the hospital has special meaning to me and my family.
When my mom required end of life care, staff was professional, empathetic and honest about our different options. Our family was guided and engaged on the best care and we are all very grateful to everyone at HDH.
On a lighter note, when my daughter broke her leg at Sonoma High playing soccer for the Greyhounds she was clear she wanted to be taken to Healdsburg Hospital. We arrived in the Emergency Room, McKenzie was evaluated and as we talked to the doctor we were interrupted by a smiling reception staff member who shared that the Healdsburg football teams where flooding the reception area. Word had travelled fast to my son and nephew who were at practice two blocks away at HHS. The support she received and great healthcare made a season ending injury better and she was healed and competitive for her Senior track season.
Local hospitals are challenging operations that often struggle financially. HDH is no exception, and if we don’t get a buyer to take over the hospital, there is a high probability it will close. As the president of the Sonoma County Board of Education, I want our next generation of residents to have the same access to health care services I had when I was growing up, which is why I am supporting Measure BB.
If approved this November, Measure BB will ensure the sale of HDH to Providence St. Joseph Health’s secular affiliate NorCal HealthConnect. As part of the agreement, the new operators will make sure that HDH will remain open for at least the next 30 years. Please join me in voting Yes on Measure BB so we can keep our hospital open.
Lisa Wittke Schaffner

For the love of Geyserville
EDITOR: In the second month of the pandemic the board of the nonprofit group Geyserville Community Foundation (GCF) met to formulate a plan to help those Geyserville community members in need and named it “For the Love of Geyserville Relief Fund.” We pledged to match $7,000 with part of the donations going toward struggling individuals or families and part toward businesses.
A postcard to all Geyserville residents was sent in early May and the community answered with generosity and a true spirit of helping others in need. In order to disburse the funds, GCF decided to join forces with the folks at Corazón Healdsburg who had a great network in place. The funds were sent to Corazón and they took applications and disbursed the money.
We partnered with Geyserville Chamber of Commerce for the business assistance funding.
We’d like to thank our community for the support and want them to know we have received thank you notes and grateful comments from those who have benefited from the kindness. To date the donations exceeded the original $14,000 we hoped to raise — we have received and donated $43,896.68.
The campaign is ongoing just like the pandemic. If you would like to help please visit the website, www.geyservillecommunityfoundation.org/donate.
Martin Bernal Hafner, President; Harry Bosworth, Gretchen Crebs, Anna Felciano, Lisa Garzini, Jessica Heiges, Victoria Heiges, Julie Pedroncelli St. John, Karen Waelde, Kathy Zunino
Members of the Geyserville Community Foundation Board

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