As part of our letters section this week, the Tribune is publishing letters from students at The Alexander Valley School about what they’re thankful for this year.
Thankful for doctors
*Cough* What I’m thankful for is the doctors who are trying to find a vaccine for the coronavirus. Why, is because way less people will die if they find the vaccine. And right now thousands of people are dying from the coronavirus. For all I know, you could even have it and be in the hospital right now! Another reason I am thankful for the doctors that are trying to find a vaccine for the coronavirus is because my cousin or my friend or someone who I know and care about like my dog could have the virus! If the doctors found a cure for the coronavirus, then they could be saved I’m so grateful for the doctors and scientists who are helping and I hope they can release the vaccine soon!
Abigail Kruger
My dog Rosie
I am thankful for my dog Rosie. I love her because she is playful. I love when we play ball because when she runs her hair flows in the wind. When we go on walks she gets so excited  and she wags her tail. Rosie is super friendly, when we see another dog she jumps for joy.
I love when she dances with me and I sing.
Annabelle Leffew
I love my family
Hugs, love, more hugs! I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my family because of these things: they take care of me, they teach me kindness and they love me. They love me like a pack of reindeers that are teaching me how to fly and soar for the next trip to the North Pole. When I get sad or hurt they cheer me up by reading me a story and playing a board game with me. When I make a huge mistake they don’t get mad, they help me make that mistake a better one. They are so kind. My family loves me to the universe and back. That’s why I love them.
Ariel Jauregui
Thankful for my papa
I’m thankful for my papa, Daniel Patrick Rotlisberger, for many reasons. One reason is because we watch football together every Sunday. Our favorite team is the 49ers. When the 49ers aren’t playing we might take naps together or watch a movie. I also love to play basketball with my dad. Lastly, he tells funny dad jokes, and they make me laugh. He is the best.
Ava Danielle  Rotlisberger
Kassidy is kind
My little sister, Kassidy, is so loving and fun. I like my little sister’s hugs because they make me feel loved and happy. I also love her snuggles because they make me feel warm and cozy. When we play Barbie dolls, family and swinging together, we have so much fun. My sister is so cute and kind. I am very grateful for Kassidy.
Brynleigh Munselle
It’s fun to be in life
I’m  thankful for life  because  it  is  fun. You get to play stuff like board games, go  around town on a bike and  scoot on a scooter. When it rains you can slide on the concrete. It’s so fun to be in life!
Finn Hayman
Thankful for firefighters
I am thankful for our firefighters because they help us stop fires and save peoples’ lives. This year the Kincade Fire got close to my house and the firefighters put it out.
I appreciate them for their bravery, and focused attention to where the fire is going. If we didn’t have firefighters then we would have to keep rebuilding our houses. When we are asleep, firefighters help to wake us up, warn us and maybe tell us to evacuate. We all should be thankful for what firefighters do  for us and how hard they work. Be careful of what you do and make the right choice so less disasters happen.
Gia Saini
Grateful for Rey
I am thankful for my dog, Rey.  One reason I love Rey is becauses she greets me every morning with a kiss to the face, usually the nose. She amuses me when she comes up to my room with a ball while I’m Zooming school. I find it a little funny. I’m also thankful for Rey because she has been very nice to me and she has never bitten me. She’s a good dog and is nice to everyone. She never scratches you in the face on purpose. I am also thankful that she is a wonderful cuddler, especially on the couch. She likes to cuddle with everyone in our family. I am really grateful she’s in my life.
Henry Page
My house
I am thankful for my house. It provides a warm place to sleep, safety, protection from harsh weather and entertainment. My bed is warm for me to sleep in at night. My home is in a neighborhood where I feel safe and enjoy walking around. It also protects me from cold and hot weather. My house has many things to entertain me. I enjoy climbing the tree in my front yard. I also enjoy bouncing on the trampoline with my dad. I am also grateful for the surroundings of my house. The beautiful sunsets make the scenery in my front yard look pretty. I love my house!
Jack Reichel
Thankful for my teacher
I am thankful for my teacher and here are a couple of reasons why. I have a teacher that takes her time to teach us on Zoom every school day. She has given not just me, but all of us support. When I was working on my book report, she encouraged me to do my best. She fills us with knowledge, like division and multiplication, and happiness.  I am grateful for my teacher.
 Jonathan Macias
The one thing I am thankful for is skateboarding because it keeps you active and it is fun. I like that there are more tricks to learn on a skateboard than scooters or bikes. It is fun, although a little risky, since I did  break my wrist going down a steep hill. I should have been wearing wrist guards and next time I will. I am grateful for my skateboard and skate parks.
Landon Moore
Coco is like a cloud
I love my dog, Coco. I am grateful for her in so many ways. One way I am grateful for her is that Coco jumps when I pet her. It’s like petting a cloud that never leaves because she is so soft. When we cuddle, she is as comfortable as a pillow. She is as happy as you can imagine, and that happiness never goes away. It fills my body with the same feelings when I am sad or angry. Lastly, Coco protects the property from birds like blue jays and rodents like gophers. How it makes me laugh when she sticks her nose in dirt and jumps like a deer. My life became  more exciting and interesting when we got her.
Maceo Loarie
Grateful for doctors
I am thankful for my allergy doctors because they are trying to get rid of my allergies as fast as they can. My doctors give me a shot on both of my arms once a month.
Even though it hurts, I’m happy when I get them. I’m grateful for my doctors because I wouldn’t be able to play soccer outside if it were not for them.
 Perla Cruz
Living without dinosaurs
I am grateful that we don’t live with dinosaurs. If we lived with them,  they would try to hunt us down for food, or maybe stomp on us because of their large size. If we tried to build towns, the dinosaurs would destroy the buildings. If dinosaurs came close I would be scared all the time. Since we don’t live with dinosaurs I can play and not worry about any creepy things walking up to me. I am very grateful that I do not live in the age of dinosaurs!
Renate Grace Cilia-Schink
Thankful for Charles
I am grateful for my rabbit, Charles. From the moment I saw Charles I knew he was  special. He excels at making me feel loved by cuddling me. He also is very good at showmanship, which makes me proud. We even got into the front page of The Healdsburg Tribune newspaper last year! He can always make me smile like when he put his paw up to my hand. I am so thankful for having a rabbit like him.
Sidney Sheehy
Walking with Crocs
I am thankful for my tie-dye Crocs. They are my favorite shoes in my closet. My Crocs make me feel like l am walking on water. I love the holes in them because they keep my hot feet cool. My Crocs are amphibious. I can go swimming with them and use them for cup holders or floaties. On land, l run and play with them on my feet. l love my Crocs so much that when I grow out of them l am going to get a new pair.
Sydney Burnett  
My sisters
I am grateful for my four sisters. They all come to visit me at Christmas time. We have a very fun time because they come up with good games for us to play. My favorite game is a different kind of hide and seek that we made up together. They also give me beautiful presents, but most of all, they treat me with love and kindness. We are very close. I am thankful for my whole family. 
Juanita Rosas

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